Write the decimal fraction as a simple fraction:
Write the decimal fraction as a simple fraction:
\( 0.\overline{5}= \)
Write the decimal fraction as a simple fraction:
\( 0.\overline{81}= \)
Write the decimal fraction as a simple fraction:
\( 0.\overline{123}= \)
Write the decimal fraction as a simple fraction:
\( 0.333= \)
Write the decimal fraction as a simple fraction:
\( 0.\overline{67}= \)
Write the decimal fraction as a simple fraction:
Write the decimal fraction as a simple fraction:
Write the decimal fraction as a simple fraction:
Write the decimal fraction as a simple fraction:
Write the decimal fraction as a simple fraction:
Write the decimal fraction as a simple fraction:
\( 0.\overline{352}= \)
Write the decimal fraction as a simple fraction:
\( 10.\overline{67}= \)
Write the decimal fraction as a simple fraction:
\( 0.\overline{142857}= \)
Write the decimal fraction as a simple fraction:
\( 0.\overline{63}= \)
Write the decimal fraction as a simple fraction:
Write the decimal fraction as a simple fraction:
Write the decimal fraction as a simple fraction:
Write the decimal fraction as a simple fraction: