Rectangle Area Calculation: Using Perimeter of 30 and Width of 5


The perimeter of the rectangle below is equal to 30.

What is the area of the rectangle?


Video Solution

Solution Steps

00:00 Find the area of the rectangle
00:03 To calculate the area of a rectangle, multiply width(AB) by length(AC)
00:07 Let's substitute the appropriate values according to the given data and solve for the area
00:10 And this is the solution to the question

Step-by-Step Solution

We use the formula to calculate the area of a rectangle: length times width:

AC×AB=S AC\times AB=S

We replace the existing data:

5×10=50 5\times10=50

That is, the information that the perimeter of the rectangle is equal to 30 is unnecessary, since all the data to calculate the area already exist and it is not necessary to calculate the other sides.
