Calculate Rectangle Perimeter: Area = 78, Dimensions 13 × 6


If the area of a rectangle is 78.

Calculate the perimeter of the rectangle.


Video Solution

Solution Steps

00:00 Find the perimeter of the rectangle
00:03 The perimeter of the rectangle equals the sum of its sides
00:09 Opposite sides are equal in a rectangle
00:16 Let's substitute appropriate values according to the given data and solve for the perimeter
00:20 And this is the solution to the problem

Step-by-Step Solution

Given that in a rectangle every pair of opposite sides are equal to each other, we can state that:

AB=CD=13 AB=CD=13


Now we can calculate the perimeter of the rectangle by adding all the sides together:

6+13+6+13=12+26=38 6+13+6+13=12+26=38
