A hotel's overall rating is determined according to a weighted average of several categories. Each category is given a rating and a weighted factor. Below are the ratings for the "Happy Tourist" hotel:
What is Michael's score if he gets 79 on the first exam and 83 on the second, given that the weight of the first test is 30% and that of the second is 70%?
Examples with solutions for Calculating Weighted Average: Applying the formula
Exercise #1
A hotel's overall rating is determined according to a weighted average of several categories. Each category is given a rating and a weighted factor. Below are the ratings for the "Happy Tourist" hotel:
Satisfaction: 50% 4.5
Cleanliness: 30% 4
Customer service: 10% 5
Breakfast: 10% 3
What is the hotel's overall rating?
Video Solution
Step-by-Step Solution
In order to determine the hotel rating, we must calculate an average.
Below is the weighted average formula:
(value A X weight percentage A)+(value B X weight percentage B)...
First, let's add up all the percentages:
Now we must multiply each factor by its weight percentage, convert the percentages to decimal numbers, and add them as follows:
We then proceed to solve the multiplication exercises:
We add them up and obtain the following: 4.25 and that's the hotel rating
Exercise #2
What is Michael's score if he gets 79 on the first exam and 83 on the second, given that the weight of the first test is 30% and that of the second is 70%?
Step-by-Step Solution
To solve the weighted average, we will use the following formula:
exam 2 * weight of evaluation 2 + exam 1 *weight of the evaluation 1 = Weighted average
We will place the data in the formula, where the weights will be in decimal numbers:
0.3*79 + 0.7*83 = 23.7+58.1 =
Exercise #3
A number of hotels are ranked based on various factors, each with a different weight.
This is the rating and weights for the hotel "The Swan Inn":