Reduction and Expansion of Decimal Fractions: Identify the greater value

Examples with solutions for Reduction and Expansion of Decimal Fractions: Identify the greater value

Exercise #1

Fill in the missing sign:

0.8 — 0.08 0.8\text{ }_{—\text{ }}0.08

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

To compare which is greater, we will compare the numbers by adding 0 to 0.8 as follows:

0.80?0.08 0.80\text{?}0.08

Let's note that before the decimal point, we have 0 in both numbers

After the decimal point, we have 8 versus 0

Since 8 is greater than 0, the appropriate sign is:

0.80 > 0.08



Exercise #2

Fill in the missing sign:

0.35 — 0.135 0.35\text{ }_{—\text{ }}0.135

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

To compare which is greater, we'll compare the numbers by adding 0 to 0.35 as follows:

0.350?0.135 0.350\text{?}0.135

We notice that before the decimal point, we have 0 in both numbers

After the decimal point, we have 3 versus 1

Since 3 is greater than 1, the appropriate sign is:

0.350 > 0.135



Exercise #3

Fill in the missing sign:

19.88 — 17.10 19.88\text{ }_{—\text{ }}17.10

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's compare the numbers in the following way:

We notice that before the decimal point, both numbers start with 1

Then we have the number 9 versus the number 7

Since 9 is greater than 7, the appropriate sign is:

19.88 > 17.10



Exercise #4

Fill in the missing sign:

202.1 — 202.01 202.1\text{ }_{—\text{ }}202.01

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's compare the numbers in the following way:

We notice that before the decimal point, both numbers start with 202

After the decimal point, we notice that the number is 1 versus 0

Since 1 is greater than 0, the appropriate sign is:

202.1 > 202.01



Exercise #5

Fill in the missing sign:

66.101 — 6.6101 66.101\text{ }_{—\text{ }}6.6101

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's compare the numbers in the following way:

We notice that before the decimal point, we have the number 66 versus the number 6

Since 66 is greater than 6, the appropriate sign is:

66.101 > 6.6101



Exercise #6

Fill in the missing sign:

101.0 — 102.1 101.0\text{ }_{—\text{ }}102.1

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's compare the numbers in the following way:

We notice that before the decimal point, both numbers start with 1 and then 0

After that, the numbers are different, 1 versus 2

Since 2 is greater than 1, the appropriate sign is:

101.0 < 102.1



Exercise #7

Fill in the missing sign:

2.021 — 20.21 2.021\text{ }_{—\text{ }}20.21

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's compare the numbers in the following way:

We notice that before the decimal point, we have the numbers 2 and 20

Since 20 is greater than 2, the appropriate sign is:

2.021 < 20.21



Exercise #8

Fill in the missing sign:

24.305 — 24.315 24.305\text{ }_{—\text{ }}24.315

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's compare the numbers in the following way:

We notice that before the decimal point, both numbers start with 24

After the decimal point, we have the number 3

Then the numbers are 0 versus 1

Since 1 is greater than 0, the appropriate sign is:

24.305 < 24.315



Exercise #9

Fill in the missing sign:

0.305 — 0.30 0.305\text{ }_{—\text{ }}0.30

Video Solution



Exercise #10

Fill in the missing sign:

0.008 — 0.08 0.008\text{ }_{—\text{ }}0.08

Video Solution



Exercise #11

Fill in the missing sign:

0.3 — 0.30 0.3\text{ }_{—\text{ }}0.30

Video Solution


= =

Exercise #12

Fill in the missing sign:

1.5 — 1.50 1.5\text{ }_{—\text{ }}1.50

Video Solution


= =

Exercise #13

Fill in the missing sign:

2.16 — 2.150 2.16\text{ }_{—\text{ }}2.150

Video Solution



Exercise #14

Fill in the missing sign:

1.33 — 1.333 1.33\text{ }_{—\text{ }}1.333

Video Solution

