All Operations in Decimal Fractions: More than two fractions

Examples with solutions for All Operations in Decimal Fractions: More than two fractions

Exercise #1

0.85+7.61+2.3= 0.85+7.61+2.3=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we will solve the exercise from left to right.

We will first calculate the addition exercise in the vertical column, since it contains two numbers after the decimal point:

0.85+7.61=8.46 0.85+7.61=8.46

Now we will get the exercise:

8.46+2.3= 8.46+2.3=

Let's remember that:

2.3=2.30 2.3=2.30

We will calculate in the vertical column and get:

10.76 10.76



Exercise #2

8.5+5.2+8.4= 8.5+5.2+8.4=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We will break down each of the factors in the exercise into a whole number and its remainder.

We get:

8+0.5+5+0.2+8+0.4= 8+0.5+5+0.2+8+0.4=

Now we'll combine only the whole numbers:

8+5+8=13+8=21 8+5+8=13+8=21

Now we'll calculate the remainder:

0.5+0.2+0.4=0.7+0.4=1.1 0.5+0.2+0.4=0.7+0.4=1.1

And now we'll get the exercise:

21+1.1=22.1 21+1.1=22.1



Exercise #3

0.2x+8.6x+0.65x= 0.2x+8.6x+0.65x=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations rules, we'll solve the exercise from left to right:

0.2x+8.6x=8.8x 0.2x+8.6x=8.8x

We'll break down 8.8 into a smaller addition exercise that will be easier for us to calculate:

8x+0.8x+0.65x= 8x+0.8x+0.65x=

Now we'll use the commutative property since the exercise only involves addition.

Let's focus on the leftmost addition exercise, remembering that:

0.8=0.80 0.8=0.80

We'll calculate the following exercise:

0.80x+0.65x=1.45x 0.80x+0.65x=1.45x

And finally, we'll get the exercise:

8x+1.45x=9.45x 8x+1.45x=9.45x



Exercise #4

10.1x+5.2x+2.4x= 10.1x+5.2x+2.4x=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We will factor each of the terms in the exercise into a whole number and its remainder.

We get:

10x+0.1x+5x+0.2x+2x+0.4x= 10x+0.1x+5x+0.2x+2x+0.4x=

Now we'll combine only the whole numbers:

10x+5x+2x=15x+2x=17x 10x+5x+2x=15x+2x=17x

Now we'll calculate the remainder:

0.1x+0.2x+0.4x=0.3x+0.4x=0.7x 0.1x+0.2x+0.4x=0.3x+0.4x=0.7x

And now we'll get the exercise:

17x+0.7x=17.7x 17x+0.7x=17.7x



Exercise #5

13.4+4.5+0.1= 13.4+4.5+0.1=

Video Solution
