Examples with solutions for Surface Area of a Cuboid: Finding Area based off Perimeter and Vice Versa

Exercise #1

Given that the volume of the cuboid is equal to 72 cm³

The length of the cuboid is equal to 6 cm and the height is equal to half the length.

Calculate the surface of the cuboid


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Step-by-Step Solution

The first step is to calculate the relevant data for all the components of the box.

The length of the box = 6

Given that the height of a cuboid is equal to half its length we are able to deduce the height of the box as follows : 6/2= 3

Hence the height = 3

In order to determine the width, we insert the known data into the formula for the volume of the box:

height*length*width = volume of the cuboid.

3*6*width = 72


We divide by 18:

Hence the width = 4

We are now able to return to the initial question regarding the surface of the cuboid.

Remember that the formula for the surface area is:



We insert the known data leaving us with the following result:






108 cm²

Exercise #2

The surface area of the cuboid in the diagram is 450x cm².

a = 7

Calculate the volume of the cuboid.


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225x49 225x -49 cm³

Exercise #3

The volume of a rectangular cuboid 320 cm³.

The area of the rectangular face 80 cm².

Work out the surface area of the cuboid.

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352cm2 352\operatorname{cm}^2

Exercise #4

The surface area of a rectangular prism 240 cm².

What is its volume according to the dimensions given in the diagram?


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201.6cm3 201.6cm^3