Examples with solutions for Comparing Decimal Fractions: Comparison to simple fractions

Exercise #1

Choose the appropriate sign:

45?0.8 \frac{4}{5}?0.8

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

First, let's convert 0.8 to a simple fraction.

Since there is only one number after the decimal point, the number is divided by 10 as follows:

0.8=810 0.8=\frac{8}{10}

Let's simplify the fraction so that we have two fractions with the same denominator:

8:210:2=45 \frac{8:2}{10:2}=\frac{4}{5}

Now we can compare and see that:

45=45 \frac{4}{5}=\frac{4}{5}


= =

Exercise #2

Choose the appropriate sign:

1210?1.2 \frac{12}{10}?1.2

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

First, we will convert the simple fraction to a decimal fraction.

We will write the numerator of the fraction in decimal form and divide by 10 as follows:

12=12.0 12=12.0

12.010=1.2 \frac{12.0}{10}=1.2

Now we can compare the two fractions and see that:

1210=1.2 \frac{12}{10}=1.2


= =

Exercise #3

Choose the appropriate sign:

0.8?8100 0.8?\frac{8}{100}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

First, let's convert the simple fraction to a decimal fraction.

We'll write the number 8 with two zeros in front of it, and then add the decimal point:

8100=008. \frac{8}{100}=008.

Since the simple fraction is divided by 100, we'll move the decimal point two places to the left and get:

008.=0.08 008.=0.08

Let's compare the two decimal numbers we got, focusing on the number after the decimal point:

0.80 > 0.08



Exercise #4

Choose the appropriate sign:

34?0.8 \frac{3}{4}?0.8

Video Solution



Exercise #5

Choose the appropriate sign:

23?0.6 \frac{2}{3}?0.6

Video Solution



Exercise #6

Choose the appropriate sign:

13?0.3 \frac{1}{3}?0.3

Video Solution



Exercise #7

Choose the appropriate sign:

48?0.5 \frac{4}{8}?0.5

Video Solution


= =

Exercise #8

Choose the appropriate sign:

68?0.75 \frac{6}{8}?0.75

Video Solution


= =

Exercise #9

Choose the appropriate sign:

58?0.6 \frac{5}{8}?0.6

Video Solution



Exercise #10

Choose the appropriate sign:

35 [?] 0.5 \frac{3}{5}~[?]~0.5

Video Solution



Exercise #11

Choose the appropriate sign:

56?0.9 \frac{5}{6}?0.9

Video Solution



Exercise #12

Choose the appropriate sign:

69?0.7 \frac{6}{9}?0.7

Video Solution



Exercise #13

Choose the appropriate sign:

24?0.5 \frac{2}{4}?0.5

Video Solution


= =

Exercise #14

Choose the appropriate sign:

15?0.22 \frac{1}{5}?0.22

Video Solution

