Examples with solutions for Quantity, percentage, percentage value: Pricing strategies including discounts and markups

Exercise #1

The price of the movie ticket rose from 40 to 45 pesos By what percentage did the price increase?

Step-by-Step Solution

In order to answer the question we must first understand how much the ticket costs:


That is, the price of the ticket increased by 5$.

Now we need to determine what the percentage value of the 5 pesos increase is. In order to determine this we will divide the increase by the original price and multiply it by 100 to convert it into a percentage.

5/40 * 100

We start by converting the 100 into fraction form.

5/40 * 100/1

When there is a multiplication of fractions, we can multiply numerator by numerator and denominator by denominator.

5*100 / 40*1

500 / 40

Thus we simplify as follows:


Lastly we convert the fraction into its complete form.

50/4 = 12.5



Exercise #2

The price of a jacket is 52 dollars after a 30% increase.

What was the original price of the jacket?

Video Solution



Exercise #3

The store advertised a promotion, 30% off storewide. A discount of 48 dollars was given on a microwave. What will be the discount on the product doubled the price of the microwave?

Video Solution


96 $

Exercise #4

The price of the table is 150% of the price of the chair.
3 tables and 4 chairs cost together 850$.
Find the prices of the table and chair.

Video Solution


Chair 100 andatable150 and a table 150

Exercise #5

The price of a notebook is higher in 30% than the price of a pen.

Notebook and ballpoint pen together cost 18.4 pesos
How much is the notebook and how much is the pen?

Video Solution


Carpeta 10.4 ,ballpointpen8, ballpoint pen 8

Exercise #6

The price of an ice cream is 150% of the price of an ice lolly.

3 ice creams and 4 ice lollies cost $51 in total.

Calculate the prices of an ice lolly and an ice cream.

Video Solution


Ice lollies cost 6andicecreamscost6 and ice creams cost 9 .