Examples with solutions for Quantity, percentage, percentage value: Change in two elements

Exercise #1

They filled a pool with fish for two days.

On the first day, they filled 180 m3 m^3 of water.

This amount constitutes 40% of the amount they filled during two days.

What is the amount of water they filled for two days?

Video Solution


450 m³

Exercise #2

180 students go on a school trip.

25% of the participants are from the eighth grade, 20% are from the ninth grade, 40% are from the seventh grade, and the rest are teachers.

How many students from the seventh and eighth grades go on the trip?

Video Solution


117 students

Exercise #3

In ninth grade, 6 students participate in acting classes and they constitute 24% of the total student body.

Also 16% of students participate in a dance class.

The rest of the students do not participate in any extracurricular classes.

How many students participate in dance class?

Video Solution


4 students

Exercise #4

A sum of money of 7000 $ was divided among 3 persons

The first received 40% of the total, the second received 15% of the total and the third received the remainder.

How much money did each receive?

Video Solution


The first one 2800 el segundo 1050 el tercero 3150