Examples with solutions for Area of a Rectangle: Using additional geometric shapes

Exercise #1

The rectangle ABCD is shown below.

BD=25,BC=7 BD=25,BC=7

Calculate the area of the rectangle.


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We will use the Pythagorean theorem in order to find the side DC:

(BC)2+(DC)2=(DB)2 (BC)^2+(DC)^2=(DB)^2

We begin by inserting the existing data into the theorem:

72+(DC)2=252 7^2+(DC)^2=25^2

49+DC2=625 49+DC^2=625

DC2=62549=576 DC^2=625-49=576

Finally we extract the root:

DC=576=24 DC=\sqrt{576}=24



Exercise #2

In a rectangular shopping mall they want to place a deltoid-shaped stage.

The length of the rectangle is 30 meters and the width 20 meters.

What is the area of the orange scenario?


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We can calculate the area of rectangle ABCD:

20×30=600 20\times30=600

Let's divide the deltoid along its length and width and add the following points:

202020303030PPPMMMNNNKKKAAABBBCCCDDDNow we can calculate the area of deltoid PMNK:

PMNK=PN×MK2=20×302=6002=300 PMNK=\frac{PN\times MK}{2}=\frac{20\times30}{2}=\frac{600}{2}=300


300 m

Exercise #3

The area of the rectangle below is equal to 22x.

Calculate x.


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The area of the rectangle is equal to the length multiplied by the width.

Let's list the known data:

22x=12x×(x+8) 22x=\frac{1}{2}x\times(x+8)

22x=12x2+12x8 22x=\frac{1}{2}x^2+\frac{1}{2}x8

22x=12x2+4x 22x=\frac{1}{2}x^2+4x

0=12x2+4x22x 0=\frac{1}{2}x^2+4x-22x

0=12x218x 0=\frac{1}{2}x^2-18x

0=12x(x36) 0=\frac{1}{2}x(x-36)

For the equation to be equal, x needs to be equal to 36


x=36 x=36

Exercise #4

Given: the length of a rectangle is 3 greater than its width.

The area of the rectangle is equal to 27 cm².

Calculate the length of the rectangle


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The area of the rectangle is equal to length multiplied by width.

Let's set up the data in the formula:

27=3x×x 27=3x\times x

27=3x2 27=3x^2

273=3x23 \frac{27}{3}=\frac{3x^2}{3}

9=x2 9=x^2

x=9=3 x=\sqrt{9}=3


x=3 x=3

Exercise #5

The trapezoid ABCD and the rectangle ABGE are shown in the figure below.

Given in cm:

AB = 5

BC = 5

GC = 3

Calculate the area of the rectangle ABGE.


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Let's calculate side BG using the Pythagorean theorem:

BG2+GC2=BC2 BG^2+GC^2=BC^2

We'll substitute the known data:

BG2+32=52 BG^2+3^2=5^2

BG2+9=25 BG^2+9=25

BG2=16 BG^2=16

BG=16=4 BG=\sqrt{16}=4

Now we can calculate the area of rectangle ABGE since we have the length and width:

5×4=20 5\times4=20



Exercise #6

ABCD is a parallelogram and AEFD is a rectangle.

AE = 7

The area of AEFD is 35 cm².

CF = 2

What is the area of the parallelogram?


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Let's first calculate the sides of the rectangle:


Let's input the known data:

35=7×ED 35=7\times ED

Let's divide the two legs by 7:

ED=5 ED=5

Since AEDF is a rectangle, we can claim that:


Let's calculate side CD:

2+7=9 2+7=9

Let's calculate the area of parallelogram ABCD:


Let's input the known data:

ABCD=9×5=45 ABCD=9\times5=45


45 cm².

Exercise #7

Given that: the area of the rectangle is equal to 36.

AE=14AB AE=\frac{1}{4}AB


Find the size of AE.

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The area of rectangle ABCD equals length multiplied by width.

Let's input the known data into the formula in order to find side AB:

36=3×AB 36=3\times AB

Let's divide both sides by 3:

AB=12 AB=12

Since we are given that AE equals a quarter of AB, we can substitute the known data and calculate side AE:

AE=14AB=14×12=3 AE=\frac{1}{4}AB=\frac{1}{4}\times12=3



Exercise #8

The area of the rectangle is equal to 70.

EB=15AB EB=\frac{1}{5}AB


Calculate the length of EB.

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The area of rectangle ABCD equals length multiplied by width.

Let's use the known data in the formula to find side AB:

70=7×AB 70=7\times AB

Let's divide both sides by 7:

AB=10 AB=10

Since we are given that EB equals one-fifth of AB, we can use the known data and calculate side EB:

EB=15AB=15×10=2 EB=\frac{1}{5}AB=\frac{1}{5}\times10=2



Exercise #9

Shown below is the rectangle ABCD.

Given in cm:

AK = 5

DK = 4

The area of the rectangle is 24 cm².

Calculate the side AB.


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Let's look at triangle ADK to calculate side AD:

AD2+DK2=AK2 AD^2+DK^2=AK^2

Let's input the given data:

AD2+42=52 AD^2+4^2=5^2

AD2+16=25 AD^2+16=25

We'll move 16 to the other side and change the appropriate sign:

AD2=2516 AD^2=25-16

AD2=9 AD^2=9

We'll take the square root and get:

AD=3 AD=3

Since AD is a side of rectangle ABCD, we can calculate side AB as follows:

S=AB×AD S=AB\times AD

Let's input the given data:

24=3×AB 24=3\times AB

We'll divide both sides by 3:

AB=8 AB=8



Exercise #10

The area of the rectangle in the drawing is 28X cm².

What is the area of the circle?


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Let's draw the center of the circle and we can divide the diameter of the circle into two equal radii

Now let's calculate the length of the radii as follows:

7×2r=28x 7\times2r=28x

14r=28x 14r=28x

We'll divide both sides by 14:

r=2814x r=\frac{28}{14}x

r=2x r=2x

Let's calculate the circumference of the circle:

P=2π×r=2π×2x=4πx P=2\pi\times r=2\pi\times2x=4\pi x


4πx 4\pi x

Exercise #11

Calculate the area of the rectangle below in terms of a and b.


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Let us begin by reminding ourselves of the formula to calculate the area of a rectangle: width X length

S=wh S=w⋅h


S = area

w = width

h = height

We take data from the sides of the rectangle in the figure.w=b+8 w=b+8 h=a+3 h=a+3

We then substitute the above data into the formula in order to calculate the area of the rectangle:

S=wh=(b+8)(a+3) S=w⋅h = (b+8)(a+3)

We use the formula of the extended distributive property:

(a+b)(c+d)=ac+ad+bc+bd (a+b)(c+d)=ac+ad+bc+bd

We substitute once more and solve the problem as follows:

S=(b+8)(a+3)=(b)(a)+(b)(3)+(8)(a)+(8)(3) S=(b+8)(a+3)=(b)(a)+(b)(3)+(8)(a)+(8)(3)

(b)(a)+(b)(3)+(8)(a)+(8)(3)=ab+3b+8a+24 (b)(a)+(b)(3)+(8)(a)+(8)(3)=ab+3b+8a+24

Therefore, the correct answer is option B: ab+8a+3b+24.

Keep in mind that, since there are only addition operations, the order of the terms in the expression can be changed and, therefore,

ab+3b+8a+24=ab+8a+3b+24 ab+3b+8a+24=ab+8a+3b+24


ab + 8a + 3b + 24

Exercise #12

Calculate the area of the rectangle


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Let's begin by reminding ourselves of the formula to calculate the area of a rectangle: width X length

S=wh S=w⋅h


S = area

w = width

h = height

We extract the data from the sides of the rectangle in the figure.

w=x+5 w=x+5 h=y+2 h=y+2

We then substitute the above data into the formula in order to calculate the area of the rectangle:

S=wh=(x+5)(y+2) S=w⋅h=(x+5)(y+2)

We use the formula of the extended distributive property:

(a+b)(c+d)=ac+ad+bc+bd (a+b)(c+d)=ac+ad+bc+bd

We once again substitute and solve the problem as follows:

S=(x+5)(y+2)=(x)(y)+(x)(2)+(5)(y)+(5)(2) S=(x+5)(y+2)=(x)(y)+(x)(2)+(5)(y)+(5)(2)

(x)(y)+(x)(2)+(5)(y)+(5)(2)=xy+2x+5y+10 (x)(y)+(x)(2)+(5)(y)+(5)(2)=xy+2x+5y+10

Therefore, the correct answer is option C: xy+2x+5y+10.


xy+2x+5y+10 xy+2x+5y+10

Exercise #13

Express the area of the rectangle below in terms of y and z.


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Let us begin by reminding ourselves of the formula to calculate the area of a rectangle: width X height

S=wh S=w⋅h


S = area

w = width

h = height

We must first extract the data from the sides of the rectangle shown in the figure.

w=3y w=3y h=y+3z h=y+3z

We then insert the known data into the formula in order to calculate the area of the rectangle:

S=wh=(y+3z)(3y) S=w⋅h=(y+3z)(3y)

We use the distributive property formula:

a(b+c)=ab+ac a\left(b+c\right)=ab+ac

We substitute all known data and solve as follows:

S=(y+3z)(3y)=(3y)(y+3z) S=(y+3z)(3y)=(3y)(y+3z)

(3y)(y+3z)=(3y)(y)+(3y)(3z) (3y)(y+3z)=(3y)(y)+(3y)(3z)

(3y)(y)+(3y)(3z)=3y2+9yz (3y)(y)+(3y)(3z)=3y^2+9yz

Keep in mind that because there is a multiplication operation, the order of the terms in the expression can be changed, hence:

(y+3z)(3y)=(3y)(y+3z) (y+3z)(3y)=(3y)(y+3z)

Therefore, the correct answer is option D: 3y2+9yz 3y^2+9yz


3y2+9yz 3y^2+9yz

Exercise #14

Given the rectangle ABCD

Given BC=X and the side AB is larger by 4 cm than the side BC.

The area of the triangle ABC is 8X cm².

What is the area of the rectangle?


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Let's calculate the area of triangle ABC:

8x=(x+4)x2 8x=\frac{(x+4)x}{2}

Multiply by 2:

16x=(x+4)x 16x=(x+4)x

Divide by x:

16=x+4 16=x+4

Let's move 4 to the left side and change the sign accordingly:

164=x 16-4=x

12=x 12=x

Now let's calculate the area of the rectangle, multiply the length and width where BC equals 12 and AB equals 16:

16×12=192 16\times12=192



Exercise #15

Given the rectangle ABCD

AB=X the ratio between AB and BC is equal tox2 \sqrt{\frac{x}{2}}

We mark the length of the diagonal A A with m m

Check the correct argument:


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Let's find side BC

Based on what we're given:

ABBC=xBC=x2 \frac{AB}{BC}=\frac{x}{BC}=\sqrt{\frac{x}{2}}

xBC=x2 \frac{x}{BC}=\frac{\sqrt{x}}{\sqrt{2}}

2x=xBC \sqrt{2}x=\sqrt{x}BC

Let's divide by square root x:

2×xx=BC \frac{\sqrt{2}\times x}{\sqrt{x}}=BC

2×x×xx=BC \frac{\sqrt{2}\times\sqrt{x}\times\sqrt{x}}{\sqrt{x}}=BC

Let's reduce the numerator and denominator by square root x:

2x=BC \sqrt{2}\sqrt{x}=BC

We'll use the Pythagorean theorem to calculate the area of triangle ABC:

AB2+BC2=AC2 AB^2+BC^2=AC^2

Let's substitute what we're given:

x2+(2x)2=m2 x^2+(\sqrt{2}\sqrt{x})^2=m^2

x2+2x=m2 x^2+2x=m^2


x2+2x=m2 x^2+2x=m^2

Exercise #16

Given the rectangle ABCD


The ratio between AB and BC is x2 \sqrt{\frac{x}{2}}

We mark the length of the diagonal A the rectangle in m

Check the correct argument:


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Given that:

ABBC=x2 \frac{AB}{BC}=\sqrt{\frac{x}{2}}

Given that AB equals X

We will substitute accordingly in the formula:

xBC=x2 \frac{x}{BC}=\frac{\sqrt{x}}{\sqrt{2}}

x2=BCx x\sqrt{2}=BC\sqrt{x}

x2x=BC \frac{x\sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{x}}=BC

x×x×2x=BC \frac{\sqrt{x}\times\sqrt{x}\times\sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{x}}=BC

x×2=BC \sqrt{x}\times\sqrt{2}=BC

Now let's focus on triangle ABC and use the Pythagorean theorem:

AB2+BC2=AC2 AB^2+BC^2=AC^2

Let's substitute the known values:

x2+(x×2)2=m2 x^2+(\sqrt{x}\times\sqrt{2})^2=m^2

x2+x×2=m2 x^2+x\times2=m^2

We'll add 1 to both sides:

x2+2x+1=m2+1 x^2+2x+1=m^2+1

(x+1)2=m2+1 (x+1)^2=m^2+1


m2+1=(x+1)2 m^2+1=(x+1)^2

Exercise #17

Below is a hexagon that contains a rectangle inside it.
The area of the rectangle is 28 cm².


What is the area of the hexagon?

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Since we are given the area of the rectangle, let's find the length of the missing side:

7×a=28 7\times a=28

We'll divide both sides by 7 and get:

a=4 a=4

Since in a hexagon all sides are equal to each other, each side is equal to 4.

Now let's calculate the area of the hexagon:

6×a2×34 \frac{6\times a^2\times\sqrt{3}}{4}

6×42×34 \frac{6\times4^2\times\sqrt{3}}{4}

Let's simplify the exponent in the denominator of the fraction and we'll get:

6×4×3=24×3=41.56 6\times4\times\sqrt{3}=24\times\sqrt{3}=41.56



Exercise #18

The perimeter of a rectangle is 14 cm.

The area of the rectangle is 12 cm².

What are the lengths of its sides?

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3, 4

Exercise #19

The area of the rectangle below is equal to 45.

ED=13AB ED=\frac{1}{3}AB


Calculate the size of ED.

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Exercise #20

The height of the house in the drawing is 12x+9 12x+9

its width x+2y x+2y

Given the ceiling height is half the height of the square section.

Express the area of the house shape in the drawing band x and and.

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3x2+8xy+112x+4y2+3y 3x^2+8xy+1\frac{1}{2}x+4y^2+3y