Examples with solutions for Fractions as Divisors: Converting the fraction to digits

Exercise #1

Write the fraction shown in the diagram as a number:

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The number of parts in the circle represents the denominator of the fraction, while the number of coloured parts represents the numerator.

The circle is divided into 2 parts and 1 part is coloured.

If we rewrite this as a fraction, we get:

12 \frac{1}{2}


12 \frac{1}{2}

Exercise #2

Write the fraction shown in the diagram as a number:

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The number of parts in the circle represents the denominator of the fraction, while the number of coloured parts represents the numerator.

The circle is divided into 3 parts and 2 parts are coloured.

If we rewrite this as a fraction, we get:

23 \frac{2}{3}


23 \frac{2}{3}

Exercise #3

Write the fraction shown in the drawing, in numbers:

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The number of parts in the circle represents the denominator of the fraction, and the number of colored parts represents the numerator.

The circle is divided into 3 parts, 1 part is colored.

Now let's write it and we'll get:

13 \frac{1}{3}


13 \frac{1}{3}

Exercise #4

Write the fraction shown in the drawing, in numbers:

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The number of parts in the circle represents the denominator of the fraction, and the number of colored parts represents the numerator.

The circle is divided into 4 parts, 2 parts are colored.

Now we'll write and get:

24 \frac{2}{4}


24 \frac{2}{4}

Exercise #5

Write the fraction shown in the drawing, in numbers:

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The number of parts in the circle represents the denominator of the fraction, and the number of colored parts represents the numerator.

The circle is divided into 4 parts, 3 parts are colored.

Now we'll write and get:

34 \frac{3}{4}


34 \frac{3}{4}

Exercise #6

Write the fraction shown in the drawing, in numbers:

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The number of parts in the circle represents the denominator of the fraction, and the number of colored parts represents the numerator.

The circle is divided into 3 parts, 3 parts are colored.

Now let's write it and we'll get:

33=1 \frac{3}{3}=1


33=1 \frac{3}{3}=1

Exercise #7

Write the fraction shown in the drawing, in numbers:

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The number of parts in the circle represents the denominator of the fraction, and the number of colored parts represents the numerator.

The circle is divided into 8 parts, 3 parts are colored.

Now we'll write and get:

38 \frac{3}{8}


38 \frac{3}{8}

Exercise #8

Write the fraction shown in the drawing, in numbers:

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The number of parts in the circle represents the denominator of the fraction, and the number of colored parts represents the numerator.

The circle is divided into 8 parts, 6 parts are colored.

Now we'll write and get:

68=34 \frac{6}{8}=\frac{3}{4}


34 \frac{3}{4}

Exercise #9

Write the fraction shown in the drawing, in numbers:

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The number of parts in the circle represents the denominator of the fraction, and the number of colored parts represents the numerator.

The circle is divided into 8 parts, 4 parts are colored.

Now we'll write and get:

48=12 \frac{4}{8}=\frac{1}{2}


12 \frac{1}{2}

Exercise #10

Write the fraction shown in the drawing, in numbers:

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The number of parts in the circle represents the denominator of the fraction, and the number of colored parts represents the numerator.

The circle is divided into 12 parts, 6 parts are colored.

Now we'll write and get:

612=12 \frac{6}{12}=\frac{1}{2}


12 \frac{1}{2}

Exercise #11

Write the fraction shown in the drawing, in numbers:

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The number of parts in the shape represents the denominator of the fraction, and the number of colored parts represents the numerator.

The shape is divided into 12 parts, 4 parts are colored.

Now we'll write and get:

412=13 \frac{4}{12}=\frac{1}{3}


13 \frac{1}{3}

Exercise #12

Write the fraction shown in the drawing, in numbers:

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Step-by-Step Solution

The number of parts in the shape represents the denominator of the fraction, and the number of colored parts represents the numerator.

The shape is divided into 12 parts, 3 parts are colored.

Now we'll write and get:

312=14 \frac{3}{12}=\frac{1}{4}


14 \frac{1}{4}