The Domain of an Algebraic Expression: More than one unknown

Examples with solutions for The Domain of an Algebraic Expression: More than one unknown

Exercise #1

What will be the result of this algebraic expression:

8ab(7+a) 8a-b(7+a)

if we ascertain that:

a=50,b=0 a=50,b=0

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Step-by-Step Solution

Let's insert the given data into the expression:

8*50-0(7+50) =
400-0*57 =
400-0 =


400 400

Exercise #2

What will be the result of this algebraic expression:

8ab(7+a) 8a-b(7+a)

if we place

a=2,b=13 a=2,b=\frac{1}{3}

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13 13

Exercise #3

What will be the result of this algebraic expression:

8(x7)+4(62y) 8(x-7)+4(6-2y)

if we place

x=0,y=1 x=0,y=-1

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24 -24

Exercise #4

What will be the result of this algebraic expression:

8(x7)+4(62y) 8(x-7)+4(6-2y)

if we place

x=8,y=5 x=8,y=5

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8 -8

Exercise #5

What will be the result of this algebraic expression:

8ab(7+a) 8a-b(7+a)
if we place

a=12,b=213 a=-\frac{1}{2},b=\frac{2}{13}

Video Solution


5 -5

Exercise #6

What will be the result of this algebraic expression:

8(x7)+4(62y) 8(x-7)+4(6-2y)

if we place

x=7.1,y=58 x=7.1,y=\frac{5}{8}

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19.8 19.8