Examples with solutions for The Commutative property: Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

Exercise #1

11×3+7= 11\times3+7=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

In this exercise, it is not possible to use the substitution property, therefore we solve it as is from left to right according to the order of arithmetic operations.

That is, we first solve the multiplication exercise and then we add:

11×3=33 11\times3=33

33+7=40 33+7=40


40 40

Exercise #2

12×13+14= 12\times13+14=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we start with the multiplication exercise and then with the addition.

12×13=156 12\times13=156

Now we get the exercise:

156+14=170 156+14=170


170 170

Exercise #3

14×4+2= \frac{1}{4}\times4+2=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first solve the multiplication exercise:

We add the 4 in the numerator of the fraction:

1×44+2= \frac{1\times4}{4}+2=

We solve the exercise in the numerator of the fraction and obtain:

44+2=1+2=3 \frac{4}{4}+2=1+2=3


3 3

Exercise #4

24+61= -2-4+6-1=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we solve the exercise from left to right:

24=6 -2-4=-6

6+6=0 -6+6=0

01=1 0-1=-1


1 -1

Exercise #5

4:2+2= 4:2+2=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first solve the division exercise:

4:2=2 4:2=2

Now we obtain the exercise:

2+2=4 2+2=4


4 4

Exercise #6

36124+30= \frac{36}{12}-4+30=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

First, we solve the fraction:

3612=3 \frac{36}{12}=3

Now we get the exercise:

34+30= 3-4+30=

We solve the exercise from left to right:

34=1 3-4=-1

1+30=29 -1+30=29


29 29

Exercise #7

17×1070= 17\times10-70=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first solve the multiplication exercise and then the addition/ subtraction.

17×10=170 17\times10=170

17070=100 170-70=100


100 100

Exercise #8

Complete the exercise:

45×7+3= 4-5\times7+3=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the rules of the order of arithmetic operations, we must first solve the multiplication exercises.

We place them inside of parentheses to avoid confusion during the solution:

4(5×7)+3= 4-(5\times7)+3=

We then solve the multiplication exercises:

435+3= 4-35+3=

Lastly we solve the rest of the exercise from left to right:

435=31 4-35=-31

31+3=28 -31+3=-28


28 -28

Exercise #9

(321512)3412=? (32-15-12)\cdot34\cdot12=\text{?}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the rules of the order of operations, we first solve the exercise within parentheses from left to right:

3215=17 32-15=17

1712=5 17-12=5

Now, we obtain the exercise:

5×34×12= 5\times34\times12=

According to the rules of the order of operations, since this is an exercise with only a multiplication operation, we rearrange the numbers to make the solution easier for us:

5×12×34= 5\times12\times34=

We solve the exercise from left to right:

5×12=60 5\times12=60

60×34=2040 60\times34=2040



Exercise #10

5×102×25= 5\times10-2\times25=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first place the multiplication exercises in parentheses:

(5×10)(2×25)= (5\times10)-(2\times25)=

We solve the multiplication exercise in parentheses:

5×10=50 5\times10=50

2×25=50 2\times25=50

Now we obtain the exercise:

5050=0 50-50=0


0 0

Exercise #11

1035×3= -10-3-5\times3=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first place the multiplication exercise in parentheses:

103(5×3)= -10-3-(5\times3)=

We solve the multiplication exercise:

5×3=15 5\times3=15

Now we obtain the exercise:

10315= -10-3-15=

We solve the exercise from left to right:

103=13 -10-3=-13

1315=28 -13-15=-28


28 -28

Exercise #12

402+1052= \frac{40}{2}+\frac{10}{5}-2=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

First we solve the fractions:

402=20 \frac{40}{2}=20

105=2 \frac{10}{5}=2

Now we get the exercise:

20+22= 20+2-2=

Keep in mind that the following exercise gives us the result zero:

22=0 2-2=0


20+0=20 20+0=20


20 20

Exercise #13

93+3×2= \frac{9}{3}+3\times2=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first solve the multiplication exercise:

3×2=6 3\times2=6

Now we get the exercise:

93+6= \frac{9}{3}+6=

We solve the fraction:

93=3 \frac{9}{3}=3

Now we get:

3+6=9 3+6=9


9 9

Exercise #14

59+49+8= \frac{5}{9}+\frac{4}{9}+8=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Since there is an addition operation between fractions with a common denominator, we can combine them into a single fraction:

5+49+8= \frac{5+4}{9}+8=

We solve the exercise in the numerator and obtain:

99+8=1+8=9 \frac{9}{9}+8=1+8=9


9 9

Exercise #15

2×4+4:2= 2\times4+4:2=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first place multiplication and division exercises in parentheses:

(2×4)+(4:2)= (2\times4)+(4:2)=

We solve the exercises in parentheses:

2×4=8 2\times4=8

4:2=2 4:2=2

We obtain the exercise:

8+2=10 8+2=10


10 10

Exercise #16

2xx+21= 2x-x+2-1=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

First, we combine the x coefficients:

2xx=x 2x-x=x

Now we get the exercise:

x+21=x+1 x+2-1=x+1


x+1 x+1

Exercise #17

73+847=? 7\cdot3+8-4-7=\text{?}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the rules of the order of operations, multiplication and division precede addition and subtraction.

We isolate the multiplication exercise in parentheses and solve.

(7×3)=21 (7\times3)=21

Now, the exercise we're left with is: 21+847= 21+8-4-7=

We solve the exercise from left to right. We isolate the next part of the expression with parentheses to avoid confusion(21+8)=29 (21+8)=29

Now, the exercise obtained is: 2947= 29-4-7=

We continue solving from left to right and isolate the next part of the expression in parentheses.

(294)=25 (29-4)=25

Now, the expression obtained is: 257=18 25-7=18



Exercise #18

Complete the exercise:

2+3×63×7+1= 2+3\times6-3\times7+1=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the rules of the order of arithmetic operations, we must first solve the multiplication exercises.

We place them inside of parentheses in order to avoid confusion during the solution:

2+(3×6)(3×7)+1= 2+(3\times6)-(3\times7)+1=

We then solve the multiplication exercises:

2+1821+1= 2+18-21+1=

Lastly we solve the rest of the exercise from left to right:

2+18=20 2+18=20

2021=1 20-21=-1

1+1=0 -1+1=0



Exercise #19

Complete the exercise:

8+3×42+1= 8+3\times4-2+1=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the rules of the order of arithmetic operations, we begin by placing the multiplication and division exercises inside of parentheses:

8+(3×4)2+1= 8+(3\times4)-2+1=

We then solve the exercise within the parentheses:

3×4=12 3\times4=12

We obtain the following :

8+122+1= 8+12-2+1=

Finally we solve the exercise from left to right:

8+12=20 8+12=20

202=18 20-2=18

18+1=19 18+1=19



Exercise #20

Complete the exercise:

4×7×2:41×9= 4\times7\times2:4-1\times9=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the rules of the order of arithmetic operations, we must first place the multiplication and division exercises within parentheses:

(4×7×2:4)(1×9)= (4\times7\times2:4)-(1\times9)=

We then proceed to solve the exercise in parentheses from left to right:

4×7=28 4\times7=28

28×2=56 28\times2=56

56:4=14 56:4=14

We obtain the following exercise:

149=5 14-9=5
