Reduce and Expand Simple Fractions: Reduce by

Examples with solutions for Reduce and Expand Simple Fractions: Reduce by

Exercise #1

Simplify the following fraction by a factor of 4:

48= \frac{4}{8}=

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Let's simplify as follows, we'll divide both the numerator by 4 and the denominator by 4:

4:48:4=12 \frac{4:4}{8:4}=\frac{1}{2}


12 \frac{1}{2}

Exercise #2

Simplify the following fraction by a factor of 1:

310= \frac{3}{10}=

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Step-by-Step Solution

We will reduce in the following way, divide the numerator by 1 and the denominator by 1:

3:110:1=310 \frac{3:1}{10:1}=\frac{3}{10}


310 \frac{3}{10}

Exercise #3

Simplify the following fraction:

210= \frac{2}{10}=

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Let's simplify as follows, we'll divide both the numerator by 2 and the denominator by 2:

2:210:2=15 \frac{2:2}{10:2}=\frac{1}{5}


15 \frac{1}{5}

Exercise #4

Simplify the following fraction:

416= \frac{4}{16}=

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Step-by-Step Solution

We will reduce in the following way, divide the numerator by 4 and the denominator by 4:

4:416:4=14 \frac{4:4}{16:4}=\frac{1}{4}


14 \frac{1}{4}

Exercise #5

Simplify the following fraction by a factor of 3:

36= \frac{3}{6}=

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Step-by-Step Solution

We will reduce as follows, divide the numerator by 3 and the denominator by 3:

3:36:3=12 \frac{3:3}{6:3}=\frac{1}{2}


12 \frac{1}{2}

Exercise #6

Simplify the following fraction:

128= \frac{12}{8}=

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Step-by-Step Solution

Let's simplify as follows, we'll divide both the numerator by 2 and the denominator by 2:

12:28:2=64 \frac{12:2}{8:2}=\frac{6}{4}


64 \frac{6}{4}

Exercise #7

Simplify the following fraction:

11= \frac{1}{1}=

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Step-by-Step Solution

Let's reduce as follows, we'll divide both the numerator and denominator by 1:

1:11:1=11 \frac{1:1}{1:1}=\frac{1}{1}


11 \frac{1}{1}

Exercise #8

Simplify the following fraction by a factor of 5:

1510= \frac{15}{10}=

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Step-by-Step Solution

Let's reduce as follows, we'll divide both the numerator and denominator by 5:

15:510:5=32 \frac{15:5}{10:5}=\frac{3}{2}


32 \frac{3}{2}

Exercise #9

Simplify the following fraction:

124= \frac{12}{4}=

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Step-by-Step Solution

Let's reduce as follows, divide the numerator by 4 and the denominator by 4:

12:44:4=31 \frac{12:4}{4:4}=\frac{3}{1}


31 \frac{3}{1}

Exercise #10

Simplify the following fraction:

168= \frac{16}{8}=

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Step-by-Step Solution

Let's simplify as follows, we'll divide both the numerator by 2 and the denominator by 2:

16:28:2=84 \frac{16:2}{8:2}=\frac{8}{4}


84 \frac{8}{4}

Exercise #11

Simplify the following fraction by the factor 8:

1632= \frac{16}{32}=

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Step-by-Step Solution

Let's reduce in the following way, divide the numerator by 8 and the denominator by 8:

16:832:8=24 \frac{16:8}{32:8}=\frac{2}{4}


24 \frac{2}{4}

Exercise #12

Simplify the following fraction by a factor of 7:

2114= \frac{21}{14}=

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Step-by-Step Solution

We will reduce in the following way, divide the numerator by 7 and the denominator by 7:

21:714:7=32 \frac{21:7}{14:7}=\frac{3}{2}


32 \frac{3}{2}

Exercise #13

Simplify the following fraction by a factor of 6.

3618= \frac{36}{18}=

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Step-by-Step Solution

We will reduce in the following way, divide the numerator by 6 and the denominator by 6:

36:618:6=63 \frac{36:6}{18:6}=\frac{6}{3}


63 \frac{6}{3}

Exercise #14

Simplify the following fraction by a factor of 9:

8118= \frac{81}{18}=

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Step-by-Step Solution

Let's simplify as follows, divide both the numerator and denominator by 9:

81:918:9=92 \frac{81:9}{18:9}=\frac{9}{2}


92 \frac{9}{2}

Exercise #15

Simplify the following fraction by a factor of 7:

2870= \frac{28}{70}=

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Step-by-Step Solution

We will reduce in the following way, divide the numerator by 7 and the denominator by 7:

28:770:7=410 \frac{28:7}{70:7}=\frac{4}{10}


410 \frac{4}{10}

Exercise #16

Simplify the following fraction by a factor of 6:

6036= \frac{60}{36}=

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Step-by-Step Solution

Let's simplify as follows, we'll divide both the numerator and denominator by 6:

60:636:6=106 \frac{60:6}{36:6}=\frac{10}{6}


106 \frac{10}{6}

Exercise #17

Simplify the following fraction:

9027= \frac{90}{27}=

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Step-by-Step Solution

Let's simplify as follows, divide both the numerator and denominator by 9:

90:927:9=103 \frac{90:9}{27:9}=\frac{10}{3}


103 \frac{10}{3}

Exercise #18

Simplify the following fraction by a factor of 1:

100000100000= \frac{100000}{100000}=

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Step-by-Step Solution

We will reduce in the following way, divide the numerator by 1 and the denominator by 1:

100000:1100000:1=100000100000 \frac{100000:1}{100000:1}=\frac{100000}{100000}


100000100000 \frac{100000}{100000}

Exercise #19

Simplify the following fraction by a factor of 10:

10010= \frac{100}{10}=

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Step-by-Step Solution

Let's simplify as follows, we'll divide both the numerator and denominator by 10:

100:1010:10=101 \frac{100:10}{10:10}=\frac{10}{1}


101 \frac{10}{1}

Exercise #20

Simplify the following fraction by a factor of 9:

972= \frac{9}{72}=

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Step-by-Step Solution

Let's reduce as follows, divide both the numerator and denominator by 9:

9:972:9=18 \frac{9:9}{72:9}=\frac{1}{8}


18 \frac{1}{8}