Sequences / Skips

🏆Practice sequences / skips up to 100

Sequences / Skips

When we have a sequence -
1) We read it from left to right
2) We understand if it's increasing or decreasing
3) We examine which digit type changes
4) We determine the pattern of the sequence
5) We complete the sequence according to the pattern that we discovered

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Complete the following sequence:

\( 1,3.\ldots \)

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Sequences / Skips

What is an arithmetic sequence?

Numbers that come one after another with equal intervals between them.
The sequence can increase and the sequence can also decrease.

How can we determine whether the sequence is increasing or decreasing?

Always read the sequence from left to right! Just like reading a number.
Let's see what number it starts with and what number it ends with.
If the first number is smaller than the last number - there is an increase - ascending sequence
If the first number is larger than the last number - there is a decrease - descending sequence

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How can we determine what the pattern of the sequence is?

In order to discover a pattern, let's remember the rules we learned:
A number has ones, tens, and hundreds digits
For example -
22= ones digit
11 = tens digit
77 = hundreds digit
55= thousands digit

When we encounter a sequence - we ask ourselves -
In which digit did the change occur? Ones/Tens/Hundreds/Thousands
When we know which digit changed, we can immediately identify the intervals between the numbers and discover the pattern - adding or subtracting...
Let's look at a sample number sequence:
The sequence before us is an increasing sequence -
A sequence that starts at 55
and increases up to 1010.

There are intervals of 1 between each number 11
Therefore we can determine that:
The pattern of the sequence is 11.

Let's look at the following sequence:

Let's check - whether the sequence increasing or decreasing -
The first number is 1313
and the last number is 1919
There is an increase, therefore the sequence is increasing.

Which digit changes? The ones digit.
How much does it change by each time? 22.
The pattern is – adding 22

Another example:
Let's explore the following sequence -
Let's check if the sequence is increasing or decreasing
The first number is 213213
The last number is 253253
There is an increase hence the sequence is increasing.
Let's check in which digit the change occurs -
The change occurs in the tens digit
Each time 1010 is added
Therefore the pattern is - adding 1010.

Another example -
Let's check if the sequence is increasing or decreasing -
The first number is 650650
The last number is 350350
There is a decrease hence the sequence is decreasing.
Let's check in which digit the change occurs and examine the change -
The change occurs in the hundreds digit - each time decreasing by 100100
Therefore the pattern is - subtraction of 100100

Now let's practice!
Look at the following sequence,
Complete it and determine:
Is the sequence increasing or decreasing?
What is its pattern?
102,___,122,132,142102, \_\_\_,122,132,142

Note –
In order to complete the sequence, we will first examine it and understand whether it is increasing or decreasing and what the pattern is.
We see that the first number in the sequence is 102102
and the last number in the sequence is 142142.
There is an increase, hence the sequence is increasing.
Now let's check from the numbers we have in which digit the change occurs – in the tens digit.
We can see that each time the number increases by 1010
Therefore- the pattern is adding 1010.
Now let's complete the sequence:
If we determined that the pattern is adding 1010, all we need to do is add 1010
to the number 102102
We obtain the following:
Let's complete the sequence:
102,112,122,132,142102, {\underline{112}}, 122,132,142

Another exercise:
Complete the following sequence,
determine whether it is increasing or decreasing and indentify its pattern.
130,___,70,___,30,10130, \_\_\_, 70, \_\_\_,30,10

First, let's understand whether the sequence is increasing or decreasing.
The first number in the sequence is 130130
The last number is 1010
There is a decrease, therefore the sequence is decreasing.

Let's examine in which digit the change occurs - the change occurs in the tens digit.
We observe that in every 2 numbers the number decreases by 2020.
Therefore, the pattern is - subtraction of 2020.
Now that we have discovered the pattern, all we need to do is complete the sequence.
In order to determine which number comes after 110110, we subtract 2020 and obtain :
In order to determine which number comes after 7070, we subtract 2020 and obtain the following:
Let's complete the sequence:
130,110,90,70,50,30,10130, 110, {\underline {90}}, 70, {\underline {50}}, 30, 10

Do you know what the answer is?
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