Is the number 12 correctly positioned on the number line below?
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The number line
What is a number line?
A number line is a line on which numbers are placed.
The line is divided into equal intervals or segments, and each interval is the distance between two equal numbers.
The intervals are identical in size.
On the line there are small lines called marks.
The line is infinite - it has no beginning and no end. We can always extend it as much as we want and add more and more numbers to it.
As we move to the right - the numbers get larger As we move to the left - the numbers get smaller
Missing Numbers
Imagine a toad named Bethany. Bethany lives on a house in the swamp and wants to visit her friend Ruth who is not far from her.
In order to reach Ruth, Bethany needs to jump on leaves arranged in a straight line up to Ruth's house. The gap between each leaf is equal, just like on a number line.
Bethany the toad can hop over several leaves at once. When she succeeds in doing so, she marks where she landed. Bethany managed to jump to a point that is exactly between her house and Ruth's house. Note - Bethany's house is marked as 0 and Ruth's house is marked as 1000. So she marked the leaf number as 500 - the number that is exactly between 0 and 1000. Ruth divided the number 1000 by 2 and understood that it's 500. 1000:2=500
What would happen if Bethany managed to jump 4 times on her way to Ruth? How would she complete the numbers?
Let's understand how many intervals Ruth has - the answer is 4 The number of arcs we drew. Divide the final number 1000 by the number of arcs. We get 1000:4=250 We understand that each interval is an addition of 250. Start adding the intervals step by step. 0+250=250 250+250=500 500+250=750 Until we reach 1000.
In order to complete the numbers we will follow the steps below:
Determine the number of arcs between the marks – in order to understand how many jumps there are.
Divide the "final" number on the number line by the number of arcs.
Add the interval we found from point 0 each time in order to determine all the numbers on the line.
Pay attention! An interval is the space between each mark. Even if the number is on a mark, the jump to it is called an interval.
And now let's practice! Complete the numbers on the line:
Let's follow these steps:
Identify the number of intervals between one mark and another. We count 5 arcs.
Divide the final number by the number of arcs: 1000:5=200 Now we know that the interval between one mark and another is 250 and therefore we can calculate the missing numbers as follows: 0+200=200 400+200=600 600+200=800
Additional Practice:
Let's follow these steps:
Let's find the number of intervals between one mark and another. We count 10 arcs.
Divide the final number by the number of arcs: 1000:12=200 Now we know that the interval between one mark and another is 250 and therefore we can calculate the missing numbers as follows: 0+200=200 400+200=600 600+200=800
Exercise for advanced students! Complete the missing numbers:
Solution: Note that we have 2 types of marks - some long and some small. First, let's find the number at the large mark - There are two intervals between the large marks, therefore 1000:2=500 Now let's proceed to the small marks: Count how many intervals are between them and we should obtain the following - 5 Now we need to understand the difference between 1000 the final number and 500 We obtain: 1000−500=500 Identify the interval between the small marks: 500:5=100 Now we know that the interval between each mark is 100 hence we can calculate the missing numbers as follows: 800+100=900
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Choose the numbers that could appear on the number line below:
Correct Answer:
\( 41,42,45,47 \)
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Which numbers could appear on the number line below?
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\( 61,65,66,67 \)
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