Scientific notation of numbers

Scientific notation is a method of writing large or extremely small numbers in an abbreviated form, using powers.
In scientific notation, the number will be represented as the product of a number that is between 1 1 and 10 10 multiplied by 10 10 times some power.
That is:

m×10em\times 10^e

mm It will be a number between 0 0 and 1 1
If ee Is a positive integer, the whole expression will be a number greater than 1 1
if ee Is a negative integer, the whole expression will be a number less than. 1 1

Large numbers

Ways to write very large numbers in scientific notation:

  1. We will move our imaginary decimal point that is at the end of the number to a state where we isolate the number that is between 1 1 and 10 10 .
  2. We will count how many steps we moved the decimal point to the left, the number of steps we get will be a power of 10 10
  3. We will multiply the 10 10 by the power we found in our number m m and arrive at scientific notation.

Small numbers

Ways to write very small numbers in scientific writing:

  1. Move the decimal point to the right until it is placed after a number smaller than 10 10 .
  2. We will count how many steps we moved the decimal point to the right, the number of steps we got will be the exponent of 10 10 , only this time in its negative form.
  3. We will multiply the 10 10 by the power we found (in negative) in our number mm and we will arrive at the scientific notation.
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Scientific notation of numbers

What does it mean?

In certain scientific subjects such as biology and chemistry, for example, there are very large or very small numbers.
For example:
The mass of the earth is 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0006,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Kg.
the radius of a carbon atom is 0.000,000,000,070.000,000,000,07 Meters.
So that we can express the same numbers in an easy and convenient way without using a lot of numbers, we can use powers.

Scientific notation is a way to present a very large or very small number in a convenient way.
In scientific notation, the number will be shown as the product of a number that is between 1 1 and 10 10 multiplied by 10 10 times some power.
That is:

m×10em\times 10^e

mm- It will be a number between 0 0 and 1 1
If ee is a positive integer, the whole expression will be a number greater than 1 1
if ee is a negative integer, the whole expression will be a number less than 1 1

Recall, that when we have a decimal number such as:
and we move the decimal point one step to the right, we actually multiply the number by 10 10 .
That is, if we multiply
by 1010
we get:
Similarly, if we move the decimal point one step to the left, we actually divide the number by . 10 10

To write large numbers and small numbers comfortably, we will use a power of 10 10 .
You will understand.
Let's take for example a number that is not very large: 183183
If we move our imaginary decimal point one step to the left, we actually divide the number by 10 10 . Therefore, in order not to damage the value of the number, we will have to multiply it 10 10 times immediately.
That is :

183=18.3×10183=18.3\times 10

If we move the point one step further, we will have to multiply by 100 100 .
That is:
183=18.3×10=1.83×100183=18.3\times 10=1.83\times 100
We know that100100 - it is possible to write as 102 10^2
Therefore, we can express 183183 as: 1.83×1021.83\times 10^2
In the same way if we take a larger number for example: 5,000,0005,000,000
we can say that it is equal to:
5×1,000,0005\times 1,000,000
We know that - is equal to Therefore: So how do we write numbers in scientific notation without getting confused? We will start with the scientific notation of large numbers.1,000,0001,000,000 10610^6

5,000,000=5×1,000,000=5×1065,000,000=5\times 1,000,000=5\times 10^6

Large numbers

Ways to write very large numbers in scientific notation:

  1. We will move our imaginary decimal point at the end of the number to a state where it isolates a number that is between 1 1 and 10 10 .
  2. We will count how many steps we moved the decimal point to the left. The number of steps we have taken will be a power of 10 10 .
  3. We will multiply the 10 10 by the power we found in our number mm and get the scientific notation.

Let's see this in an example:
Let's take the number:

We will mark an imaginary decimal point at the end of the number and move it to the left until we isolate a number that is between 1 1 and 10 10 :


We move the decimal point eight times. Therefore, 8 8 will be the exponent of 10 10 .
We will obtain:
1.8×1081.8\times 10^8

Now we will proceed to the scientific notation of small numbers.

Small numbers

Ways to write very large numbers in scientific notation:

  1. Move the decimal point to the right until it is placed after a number less than 10 10 .
  2. We will count how many steps we moved the decimal point to the right. The number of steps we have taken will be the exponent of 10 10 , only this time in its negative form.
  3. We will multiply the 10 10 by the power we found (in negative) in our number m-m We get the scientific notation.

Take for example the number:
0.00654 0.00654


We moved the decimal point to the right until it was set after a number greater than 0 0 .
We counted the number of steps and got 3 3 . Since we moved the decimal point to the right, the exponent of the power will be the number of steps we obtained in negative form, i.e. 3 -3 .

Therefore, we will obtain
6.54×1036.54\times 10^{-3}

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