Subtract Decimals: 76 - 10.3213 Step-by-Step Solution


Circle the correct answer to the following exercise:


Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

To avoid confusion in solving the exercise, we will first add four zeros to the number 76 as follows:

76.000010.3213 76.0000\\-10.3213\\

Now let's solve the exercise in order:

Let's subtract the tens of thousands after the decimal point:

03= 0-3=

Since we cannot subtract, we'll borrow ten from the tens digit of the whole number before the decimal point, as all other numbers are also zeros.

The tens digit of the whole number before the decimal point will become 5, and the tenths digit after the decimal point will become 10

We'll borrow ten from the tenths digit after the decimal point and it will change from 10 to 9, and now the hundredths digit after the decimal point will become 10

We'll borrow ten from the hundredths digit after the decimal point and it will change from 10 to 9, and now the thousandths digit after the decimal point will become 10

We'll borrow ten from the thousandths digit after the decimal point and it will change from 10 to 9, and now the ten thousandths digit after the decimal point will become 10

Now that we know how to solve the exercise, let's subtract the ten thousandths after the decimal point:

103=7 10-3=7

Let's subtract the thousandths after the decimal point:

91=8 9-1=8

Let's subtract the hundredths after the decimal point:

92=7 9-2=7

Let's subtract the tenths after the decimal point:

93=6 9-3=6

Finally, let's subtract the whole numbers before the decimal point accordingly:

50=5 5-0=5

71=6 7-1=6

And we get:

76.000010.321365.6787 76.0000\\-10.3213\\65.6787

