Solve the Equation: 3y(?-?) = 21xy + 9 | Finding Missing Terms


Fill in the missing values:

3y(??)=21xy+9 3y(?-?)=21xy+9

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

To solve the problem, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Recognize the expression 21xy+9 21xy + 9 needs to be matched by factoring it as a common product expression that includes 3y 3y .
  • Step 2: Identify the greatest common factor in 21xy+9 21xy + 9 , which is 3 3 . Thus, the factorization is 3(7xy+3) 3(7xy + 3) .
  • Step 3: Now, we need 3y(??)=3(7xy+3) 3y(?-?) = 3(7xy + 3) . Since we factor out a 3 3 , the matching terms should sum up to y(7x)+y(3y) y(7x) + y\left(\frac{-3}{y}\right) .
  • Step 4: Match the missing numbers found in the expression: ??=7x,3y ? - ? = 7x, \frac{-3}{y} .

By matching, the factors yield 3y(??)=3y(7x3y) 3y(?-?) = 3y(7x - \frac{3}{y}) . This confirms the missing values are 7x 7x and 3y \frac{-3}{y} .

Therefore, the correct completion of the expression is 7x,3y 7x, \frac{-3}{y} , which corresponds to choice 4.


7x,3y 7x,\frac{-3}{y}