Solve Decimal Division: -5.4 ÷ -0.9 Step by Step


Solve the following expression:

5.4:0.9= -5.4:-0.9=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's begin by breaking down 5.4 into a subtraction exercise as follows:

5.4=50.4 -5.4=-5-0.4

Now let's convert the exercise into a subtraction operation with fractions:

5410=5×1010410=5010410 -5-\frac{4}{10}=-5\times\frac{10}{10}-\frac{4}{10}=-\frac{50}{10}-\frac{4}{10}

Let's proceed to combine the subtraction exercise between the fractions into one fraction:

50410=5410 \frac{-50-4}{10}=-\frac{54}{10}

Let's write the second decimal fraction as a simple fraction:

0.9=910 -0.9=-\frac{9}{10}

Below is the resulting exercise:

5410:910= -\frac{54}{10}:-\frac{9}{10}=

Let's convert the division exercise into a multiplication exercise not forgetting to switch between the numerator and denominator in the second fraction:

5410×109= -\frac{54}{10}\times-\frac{10}{9}=

Finally let's reduce the 10 in both fractions and we should obtain the following:

+549=6 +\frac{54}{9}=6


+6 +6