Solve: Adding Positive Decimals 0.68 + 12.03


Solve the following expression:

(+0.68)+(+12.03)= ? (+0.68)+(+12.03)=\text{ ?}

Video Solution

Solution Steps

00:00 Solve
00:03 Find the point (0.68) on the axis
00:07 To add, we'll move right (positive) on the axis
00:15 We'll use long addition for calculation
00:27 And this is the solution to the question

Step-by-Step Solution

Given that we are adding two positive numbers together, the result will be positive.

Looking at the numbers, we know that the result must be greater than 12.

Then we can proceed to use simple addition to solve as follows:

0.68+12.0312.71 0.68\\+12.03\\12.71


12.71 12.71