Solve a·b+b: Substituting Values a=-3 and b=-2


ab+b= a\cdot b+b=

Solve the following problem if:

a=3,b=2 a=-3,b=-2

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's substitute the numbers into the formula:

3×(2)+(2)= -3\times(-2)+(-2)=

Remember the rule:

(x)×(x)=+x (-x)\times(-x)=+x

First, let's solve the multiplication problem:

3×2=6 -3\times-2=6

We obtain the following expression:

6+(2)= 6+(-2)=

Let's remember the rule:

+(x)=x +(-x)=-x

Let's write the expression in the appropriate form:

62= 6-2=

Therefore, the answer is:

4 4


4 4