Solve -12:-6·(-8+4): Order of Operations with Negative Numbers


12:6(8+4)= -12:-6\cdot(-8+4)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's first solve the expression in parentheses:

8+4=4 -8+4=-4

Now the expression is:

12:6×4= -12:-6\times-4=

Let's solve the expression from left to right.

We'll write the division as a simple fraction like this:

126= \frac{-12}{-6}=

Note that we are dividing between two negative numbers, so the result must be a positive number:

=+ \frac{-}{-}=+


126=2 \frac{12}{6}=2

Now the expression we got is:

2×4= 2\times-4=

Note that we are multiplying a positive number by a negative number, so the result must be a negative number:

+×= +\times-=-

Therefore the result is:

2×4=8 2\times-4=-8


8 -8