Convert Fraction to Percentage: Solving 3/4 as a Percentage Value


Convert the following fraction into a percentage:

34 \frac{3}{4}

Video Solution

Solution Steps

00:00 Convert fractions to percentages
00:03 In order to convert a fraction into a percentage, we multiply the fraction by 100
00:11 Break down 100 into factors of 25 and 4
00:19 Simplify wherever possible
00:29 Here is the solution

Step-by-Step Solution

To convert a fraction to a percentage, we must convert the denominator to 100.

In this case, we know that 4*25 = 100

Therefore, we multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 25.


3*25 = 75

4*25 = 100


We are left with 75/100, which is actually 75%

And this is the solution!

