Convert Fraction to Percentage: Solving 15/20 Step-by-Step


Convert the following fraction into a percentage:

1520=? \frac{15}{20}=\text{?}

Video Solution

Solution Steps

00:00 Convert fractions to percentages
00:05 Apply the formula to convert fractions to percentages
00:19 We want the denominator to equal 100
00:30 Therefore we'll multiply both the numerator and the denominator by the appropriate number
00:37 This is the final fraction and the corresponding percentage
00:43 This is the solution

Step-by-Step Solution

A percentage is actually a form of fraction, or more precisely, a fraction out of a hundred.

In other words, it is a fraction where the denominator is always 100.

Therefore, in order to convert a fraction into a percentage, we multiply it so that the denominator becomes 100.



Therefore the fraction is 75/100 and the percentage is 75%.

