Convert 3/25 to a Percentage: Fraction to Value Conversion


Convert the fraction into a percentage:

325=? \frac{3}{25}=\text{?}

Video Solution

Solution Steps

00:00 Convert fractions to percentages
00:05 A fraction with a denominator equal to 100 is equal to the numerator in percentage form (X)
00:13 Determine how much we need to multiply the denominator by to obtain a denominator equal to 100
00:23 Multiply both the numerator and denominator by 4 to obtain a denominator equal to 100
00:36 Apply this formula to our exercise
00:41 This is the solution

Step-by-Step Solution

To convert the fraction 325\frac{3}{25} into a percentage, we will perform the following steps:

  • Step 1: Recognize that the given fraction is 325\frac{3}{25}.
  • Step 2: Use the formula for conversion: Percentage=(NumeratorDenominator)×100% \text{Percentage} = \left( \frac{\text{Numerator}}{\text{Denominator}} \right) \times 100\%.
  • Step 3: Calculate 325\frac{3}{25}:
    325=0.12 \frac{3}{25} = 0.12 .
  • Step 4: Multiply the decimal by 100 to convert it to a percentage:
    0.12×100=12% 0.12 \times 100 = 12\% .

Thus, the solution to the problem is 12%\boxed{12\%}.

