What is the percentage of 21 over 225?
What is the percentage of 21 over 225?
To find the percentage of 21 over 225, we'll follow these steps:
Now, let's work through each step:
Step 1: The initial fraction is .
Step 2: Simplify the fraction. We find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 21 and 225, which is 3.
Divide both the numerator and the denominator by 3:
Now the fraction is simplified to .
Step 3: Convert the simplified fraction into a percentage:
Multiply by 100%: .
Simplify :
700 divided by 75 equals 9 with a remainder of 25. Thus, .
Simplify to (since 25 and 75 can be divided by 25).
Therefore, the percentage is .
The solution to the problem is , which corresponds to choice 4.