Parabola of the Form y=(x-p)²+k: Determine the algebraic representation of the following descriptions

Examples with solutions for Parabola of the Form y=(x-p)²+k: Determine the algebraic representation of the following descriptions

Exercise #1

Which equation represents the function:

y=x2 y=x^2

moved 2 spaces to the right

and 5 spaces upwards.

Video Solution


y=(x2)2+5 y=(x-2)^2+5

Exercise #2

Find the corresponding algebraic representation of the drawing:


Video Solution


y=(x+2)2+7 y=(x+2)^2+7

Exercise #3

Find the corresponding algebraic representation of the drawing:


Video Solution


y=x24 y=x^2-4

Exercise #4

Choose the equation that represents the function

y=x2 y=-x^2

moved 3 spaces to the left

and 4 spaces up.

Video Solution


y=(x+3)2+4 y=-(x+3)^2+4

Exercise #5

Find the corresponding algebraic representation of the drawing:


Video Solution


y=(x5)2+4 y=(x-5)^2+4

Exercise #6

Which equation represents the function:

y=(x2)2+4 y=-(x-2)^2+4

moved 10 spaces down?

Video Solution


y=(x2)26 y=-(x-2)^2-6

Exercise #7

Find the corresponding algebraic representation of the drawing:


Video Solution


y=(x+10)23 y=(x+10)^2-3

Exercise #8

Which equation represents

y=(x1)2 y=(x-1)^2

moved units spaces downward?

Video Solution


y=(x1)23 y=(x-1)^2-3

Exercise #9

Choose the equation that corresponds to the function

y=x2 y=x^2

moved 10 spaces up.

Video Solution


y=x2+10 y=x^2+10

Exercise #10

Choose which equation represents the function

y=(x4)2 y=(x-4)^2

moved 2 spaces to the right

and 3 spaces upwards upwards.

Video Solution


y=(x6)2+3 y=(x-6)^2+3

Exercise #11

Which equation represents the the function

y=(x3)21 y=-(x-3)^2-1

moved 5 spaces up?

Video Solution


y=(x3)2+4 y=-(x-3)^2+4

Exercise #12

Which equation represents the function

y=x2 y=x^2

moved 4 spaces to the right

and 3 spaces upwards?

Video Solution


y=(x4)2+3 y=(x-4)^2+3

Exercise #13

Choose the equation that represents the following:


Video Solution


y=(x4)2+6 y=-(x-4)^2+6

Exercise #14

Which equation represents the function:

y=x2 y=-x^2

when moved 5 spaces to the right

and 4 spaces horizontally and downward?

Video Solution


y=(x5)24 y=-(x-5)^2-4

Exercise #15

Find the corresponding algebraic representation of the drawing:


Video Solution


y=(x5)24 y=(x-5)^2-4

Exercise #16

Which equation represents the following function shifting 6 spaces to the left and one space down?

y=x2 y=-x^2

Video Solution


y=(x+6)21 y=-(x+6)^2-1

Exercise #17

Choose the equation that corresponds to the the function

y=(x6)2 y=-(x-6)^2

moved 4 spaces up.

Video Solution


y=(x6)2+4 y=-(x-6)^2+4

Exercise #18

Choose the equation that corresponds to the function

y=(x2)2 y=(x-2)^2

moved 3 spaces up.

Video Solution


y=(x2)2+3 y=(x-2)^2+3

Exercise #19

Find the corresponding algebraic representation of the drawing:


Video Solution


y=(x8)22 y=-(x-8)^2-2