Examples with solutions for Parabola of the Form y=(x-p)²: Determine the algebraic representation of the following descriptions

Exercise #1

Which function corresponds to a parabola with a minimum point of (2,0) (-2,0) ?

Video Solution


y=(x+2)2 y=(x+2)^2

Exercise #2

Which of the follling represents a function that has a parabola with a minimum point of (2,0) (2,0) ?

Video Solution


y=(x2)2 y=(x-2)^2

Exercise #3

Choose the function that represents the parabola y=x2 y=x^2

positive in all areas except x=2 x=2 .

Video Solution


y=(x2)2 y=(x-2)^2

Exercise #4

Which parabola is the translation of the graph of the function y=x2 y=x^2

and is positive in all areas exceptx=3 x=-3 ?

Video Solution


y=(x+3)2 y=(x+3)^2

Exercise #5

Which function corresponds to the parabola with a maximum point of
(4,0) (4,0) ?

Video Solution


y=(x4)2 y=-(x-4)^2

Exercise #6

Which parabola is the translation of the graph of the function y=x2 y=x^2

and is positive in all areas exceptx=4 x=4 ?

Video Solution


y=(x4)2 y=(x-4)^2

Exercise #7

Which parabola is the translation of the graph of the function y=x2 y=-x^2

and is negative in all domains exceptx=4 x=-4 ?

Video Solution


y=(x+4)2 y=-(x+4)^2

Exercise #8

Which function corresponds to a parabola with a minimum point of (5,0) (-5,0) ?

Video Solution


y=(x+5)2 y=-(x+5)^2

Exercise #9

Which parabola is the translation of the graph of the function y=x2 y=-x^2

and is negative in all domains exceptx=2 x=2 ?

Video Solution


y=(x2)2 y=-(x-2)^2