Examples with solutions for Powers: Using additional geometric shapes

Exercise #1

In the figure in front of you there are 3 squares

Write down the area of the shape in potential notation


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Step-by-Step Solution

Using the formula for the area of a square whose side is b:

S=b2 S=b^2 In the picture, we are presented with three squares whose sides from left to right have a length of 6, 3, and 4 respectively:

Therefore the areas are:

S1=32,S2=62,S3=42 S_1=3^2,\hspace{4pt}S_2=6^2,\hspace{4pt}S_3=4^2 square units respectively,

Consequently the total area of the shape, composed of the three squares, is as follows:

Stotal=S1+S2+S3=32+62+42 S_{\text{total}}=S_1+S_2+S_3=3^2+6^2+4^2 square units

To conclude, we recognise through the rules of substitution and addition that the correct answer is answer C.


62+42+32 6^2+4^2+3^2

Exercise #2

If we increase the side of a cube by 6, how many times will the volume of the cube increase?

Video Solution


63 6^3

Exercise #3

At the vertices of a square with sides measuring y cm, 4 squares are drawn with lengths of x cm.

What is the area of the shape?


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4x2+y2 4x^2+y^2