Examples with solutions for Domain: Identifying and defining elements

Exercise #1

Select the field of application of the following fraction:

8+x5 \frac{8+x}{5}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Since the domain depends on the denominator, we note that there is no variable in the denominator.

Therefore, the domain is all numbers.


All numbers

Exercise #2

Select the field of application of the following fraction:

6x \frac{6}{x}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Since the domain of definition depends on the denominator, and X appears in the denominator

All numbers will be suitable except for 0.

In other words, the domain of definition:

x0 x\ne0


All numbers except 0

Exercise #3

Select the field of application of the following fraction:

x16 \frac{x}{16}

Video Solution


All X All~X