Additional Arithmetic Rules: Applying the formula

Examples with solutions for Additional Arithmetic Rules: Applying the formula

Exercise #1

12:(2×2)= 12:(2\times2)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first solve the exercise within parentheses:

2×2=4 2\times2=4

Now we divide:

12:4=3 12:4=3


3 3

Exercise #2

7(4+2)= 7-(4+2)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first solve the exercise within parentheses:

4+2=6 4+2=6

Now we solve the rest of the exercise:

76=1 7-6=1


1 1

Exercise #3

8(2+1)= 8-(2+1)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first solve the exercise within parentheses:

2+1=3 2+1=3

Now we solve the rest of the exercise:

83=5 8-3=5


5 5

Exercise #4

13(7+4)= 13-(7+4)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first solve the exercise within parentheses:

7+4=11 7+4=11

Now we subtract:

1311=2 13-11=2


2 2

Exercise #5

38(18+20)= 38-(18+20)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, first we solve the exercise within parentheses:

18+20=38 18+20=38

Now, the exercise obtained is:

3838=0 38-38=0


0 0

Exercise #6

28(4+9)= 28-(4+9)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first solve the exercise within parentheses:

4+9=13 4+9=13

Now we obtain the exercise:

2813=15 28-13=15


15 15

Exercise #7

55(8+21)= 55-(8+21)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first solve the exercise within parentheses:

8+21=29 8+21=29

Now we obtain the exercise:

5529=26 55-29=26


26 26

Exercise #8

37(47)= 37-(4-7)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first solve the exercise within parentheses:

47=3 4-7=-3

Now we obtain:

37(3)= 37-(-3)=

Remember that the product of a negative and a negative results in a positive, therefore:

(3)=+3 -(-3)=+3

Now we obtain:

37+3=40 37+3=40


40 40

Exercise #9

80(412)= 80-(4-12)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first solve the exercise within parentheses:

412=8 4-12=-8

Now we obtain the exercise:

80(8)= 80-(-8)=

Remember that the product of plus and plus gives us a positive:

(8)=+8 -(-8)=+8

Now we obtain:

80+8=88 80+8=88


88 88

Exercise #10

100(3021)= 100-(30-21)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first solve the exercise within parentheses:

3021=9 30-21=9

Now we obtain:

1009=91 100-9=91


91 91

Exercise #11

66(1510)= 66-(15-10)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations rules, we first solve the expression inside of the parentheses:

1510=5 15-10=5

We obtain the following expression:

665=61 66-5=61


61 61

Exercise #12

22(283)= 22-(28-3)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first solve the exercise within parentheses:

283=25 28-3=25

Now we obtain the exercise:

2225=3 22-25=-3


3 -3

Exercise #13

60:(5×3)= 60:(5\times3)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We write the exercise in fraction form:

605×3 \frac{60}{5\times3}

We break down 60 into a multiplication exercise:

20×35×3= \frac{20\times3}{5\times3}=

We simplify the 3s and obtain:

205 \frac{20}{5}

We break down the 5 into a multiplication exercise:

5×45= \frac{5\times4}{5}=

We simplify the 5 and obtain:

41=4 \frac{4}{1}=4


4 4

Exercise #14

60:(10×2)= 60:(10\times2)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We write the exercise in fraction form:

6010×2= \frac{60}{10\times2}=

Let's separate the numerator into a multiplication exercise:

10×610×2= \frac{10\times6}{10\times2}=

We simplify the 10 in the numerator and denominator, obtaining:

62=3 \frac{6}{2}=3


3 3

Exercise #15

35:(2×7)= 35:(2\times7)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We write the exercise in fraction form:

352×7= \frac{35}{2\times7}=

We separate the numerator into a multiplication exercise:

7×52×7= \frac{7\times5}{2\times7}=

We simplify the 7 in the numerator and denominator, obtaining:

52=212 \frac{5}{2}=2\frac{1}{2}


212 2\frac{1}{2}

Exercise #16

9:(3×2)= 9:(3\times2)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We rewrite the expression as a fraction:

93×2= \frac{9}{3\times2}=

We rewrite the numerator as a multiplication expression:

3×33×2= \frac{3\times3}{3\times2}=

We simplify the 3 in the numerator and denominator, obtaining:

32=112=1.5 \frac{3}{2}=1\frac{1}{2}=1.5


1.5 1.5

Exercise #17

70(32(4))= 70-(32-(-4))=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first address the innermost parentheses.

Remember that the product of a negative and a negative results is positive:

(4)=+4 -(-4)=+4

Therefore, the exercise we get is:

70(32+4)= 70-(32+4)=

Now, we solve the exercise within the parentheses:

32+4=36 32+4=36

We obtain:

7036=34 70-36=34


34 34

Exercise #18

45(8+10)= -45-(8+10)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, first we solve the exercise within parentheses:

8+10=18 8+10=18

Now we obtain the exercise:

45(18)= -45-(18)=

We open the parentheses, remember to change the corresponding sign:

4518=63 -45-18=-63


63 -63

Exercise #19

49(5318)= 49-(53-18)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first solve the exercise within parentheses:

5318=35 53-18=35

We obtain the exercise:

4935=14 49-35=14


14 14

Exercise #20

33(173)= -33-(17-3)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first solve the exercise within parentheses:

173=14 17-3=14

Now we obtain the exercise:

3314=47 -33-14=-47


47 -47