Converting Decimal Fractions to Simple and Mixed Fractions
Converting a decimal fraction to a simple and mixed fraction
First Step - Read the decimal fraction correctly Ask - what does the last digit in the decimal fraction represent. According to the rules expanded in the article. Second Step - Constructing the mixed/simple fraction If when we read the decimal number - We used the word tenths - we'll put 10 in the denominator We used the word hundredths - we'll put 100 in the denominator We used the word thousandths - we'll put 1000 in the denominator The number itself - everything that appears after the decimal point, we'll put in the numerator. The whole number digit in the decimal fraction, we'll add to the mixed fraction as the whole number part. If we want to get a simple fraction, we'll convert from mixed to simple.
Converting decimal fractions to simple and mixed fractions
Converting a decimal fraction to a mixed number
First Stage - knowing how to read a decimal fraction correctly A decimal fraction is actually a non-whole number that consists of digits and a decimal point. The decimal point divides the fraction as follows:
All the part to the left of the decimal point - is called whole numbers. All the part to the right of the decimal point - is divided this way: The first digit after the point - represents tenths The second digit after the point - represents hundredths The third digit after the point represents thousandths
To read a decimal fraction correctly, we need to ask ourselves what the last digit in the decimal fraction represents. When we understand what the digit represents, we say it like this: ___ wholes and "everything that appears after the decimal point" "what the digit represents".
For example- How do we read the decimal fraction 40.23? First, let's understand what the last digit represents. It represents hundredths. Therefore, we'll read the number as: 40 wholes and 23 hundredths.
The Second Stage - Constructing the Mixed Fraction After we succeeded in reading the decimal number correctly, we can easily construct the mixed fraction. When we read the decimal number If we used the word tenths - we put 10 in the denominator If we used the word hundredths - we put 100 in the denominator If we used the word thousandths - we put 1000 in the denominator
The number itself - everything that appears after the decimal point, we place in the numerator. The whole number digit in the decimal fraction, we add to the mixed fraction as the whole number.
Worth remembering: Thousandths - 1000 in the denominator Hundredths - 100 in the denominator Tenths - 10 in the denominator
Let's practice converting a decimal fraction to a mixed number: Convert the number 62.325 to a mixed number
Solution First, let's check how we read it correctly. 62 wholes and 325 thousandths. Because 5 the last digit represents thousandths. Now that we used the word thousandths, it's simple to understand that the denominator in the mixed fraction will be 1000. Everything after the decimal point will be in the numerator and 62 wholes will be the wholes of course. So we get: 621000325
Additional exercise: Convert the number 2.1 to a mixed fraction.
Solution Let's check how we say it correctly - 2 wholes and 1 tenth. Tenths clearly indicates that the denominator of the mixed fraction is 10. Therefore, the numerator will be 1 and the whole number will be 2. We get that the mixed fraction is: 2101
Converting a decimal fraction to a simple fraction
A simple fraction is a fraction composed of only a numerator and denominator and does not involve whole numbers and a fraction like a mixed fraction. When we have a decimal number with 0 in its whole number part - meaning there are no whole numbers, the fraction will be simple without our intervention. We will act in the same way - we will see how we read the decimal fraction correctly and then check If we used the word tenths - 10 in the denominator If we used the word hundredths - 100 in the denominator If we used the word thousandths - 1000 in the denominator
Let's look at an example: Convert the decimal fraction 0.824 to a simple fraction
Solution When we read the decimal number, we look at the last digit, see that it indicates thousandths, and therefore the denominator is 1000. In the numerator will appear 824.
We get: 1000824
If there are whole numbers, we will get a mixed fraction as we learned, and then we will need to convert the mixed fraction into a simple fraction according to the rules.
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