Examples with solutions for Area of a Triangle: Worded problems

Exercise #1

A hotel plans to build a special pool in its garden in the shape of a triangle.

The length of the pool 10 meters and its width 8 meters.

The pool is covered with tiles. The length of each tile is 2 meters and its width is 2 meters.

How many tiles do you need to cover the pool area?


Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

To find out how many tiles are needed we will calculate the triangular area and the area of each tile and then divide.

A.triaˊnguloA.baldosa \frac{\text{A.triángulo}}{A.baldosa}

The result is equal to the number of tiles needed.

In a triangle its length is equal to its height and its width is equal to the base of the triangle

A.triangulo=1082=40 \text{A.triangulo=}\frac{10\cdot8}{2}=40

Given=h=length=10 10 meters

Given=base=width=8 8 meters

Given that the length is 2 2 meters

The width: 2 2 meters

Tile area 22=4 2\cdot2=4

404=10 \frac{40}{4}=10


10 tiles

Exercise #2

In a square-shaped playground, they want to paint a part of it orange so that the shape of that color is a triangle.

The length of the playground is 6 meters.

one box of paint is required for each meter of paint.

How many buckets of paint do you need to paint the triangular area?


Video Solution


18 paint boxes

Exercise #3

In a square-shaped recreation space, they want to paint part of it white so that the shape of the white paint is triangular.

The length of the play area is 6 meters

one box of paint is required for each meter of paint.

How many buckets of paint do you need to paint the triangular area?


Video Solution


18 paint boxes