Examples with solutions for Area of a Trapezoid: Using Pythagoras' theorem

Exercise #1

The trapezoid DECB forms part of triangle ABC.

AB = 6 cm
AC = 10 cm

Calculate the area of the trapezoid DECB, given that DE divides both AB and AC in half.


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Step-by-Step Solution

DE crosses AB and AC, that is to say:

AD=DB=12AB=12×6=3 AD=DB=\frac{1}{2}AB=\frac{1}{2}\times6=3

AE=EC=12AC=12×10=5 AE=EC=\frac{1}{2}AC=\frac{1}{2}\times10=5

Now let's look at triangle ADE, two sides of which we have already calculated.

Now we can find the third side DE using the Pythagorean theorem:

AD2+DE2=AE2 AD^2+DE^2=AE^2

We substitute our values into the formula:

32+DE2=52 3^2+DE^2=5^2

9+DE2=25 9+DE^2=25

DE2=259 DE^2=25-9

DE2=16 DE^2=16

We extract the root:

DE=16=4 DE=\sqrt{16}=4

Now let's look at triangle ABC, two sides of which we have already calculated.

Now we can find the third side (BC) using the Pythagorean theorem:

AB2+BC2=AC2 AB^2+BC^2=AC^2

We substitute our values into the formula:

62+BC2=102 6^2+BC^2=10^2

36+BC2=100 36+BC^2=100

BC2=10036 BC^2=100-36

BC2=64 BC^2=64

We extract the root:

BC=64=8 BC=\sqrt{64}=8

Now we have all the data needed to calculate the area of the trapezoid DECB using the formula:

(base + base) multiplied by the height divided by 2:

Keep in mind that the height in the trapezoid is DB.

S=(4+8)2×3 S=\frac{(4+8)}{2}\times3

S=12×32=362=18 S=\frac{12\times3}{2}=\frac{36}{2}=18



Exercise #2

Given that the triangle ABC is isosceles,
and inside it we draw EF parallel to CB:

AG=3 AD=8
AD the height in the triangle

What is the area of the trapezoid EFBC?

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Step-by-Step Solution

To find the area of the trapezoid, you must remember its formula:(base+base)2+altura \frac{(base+base)}{2}+\text{altura} We will focus on finding the bases.

To find GF we use the Pythagorean theorem: A2+B2=C2 A^2+B^2=C^2  In triangle AFG

We replace:

32+GF2=52 3^2+GF^2=5^2

We isolate GF and solve:

9+GF2=25 9+GF^2=25

GF2=259=16 GF^2=25-9=16

GF=4 GF=4

We will do the same process with side DB in triangle ABD:

82+DB2=172 8^2+DB^2=17^2

64+DB2=289 64+DB^2=289

DB2=28964=225 DB^2=289-64=225

DB=15 DB=15

From here there are two ways to finish the exercise:

  1. Calculate the area of the trapezoid GFBD, prove that it is equal to the trapezoid EGDC and add them up.

  2. Use the data we have revealed so far to find the parts of the trapezoid EFBC and solve.

Let's start by finding the height of GD:

GD=ADAG=83=5 GD=AD-AG=8-3=5

Now we reveal that EF and CB:


DB=DC=15 DB=DC=15

This is because in an isosceles triangle, the height divides the base into two equal parts then:

EF=GF×2=4×2=8 EF=GF\times2=4\times2=8

CB=DB×2=15×2=30 CB=DB\times2=15\times2=30

We replace the data in the trapezoid formula:

8+302×5=382×5=19×5=95 \frac{8+30}{2}\times5=\frac{38}{2}\times5=19\times5=95



Exercise #3

Look at the isosceles trapezoid ABCD below.

DF = 2 cm
AD =20 \sqrt{20} cm

Calculate the area of the trapezoid given that the quadrilateral ABEF is a square.


Video Solution



Exercise #4

ABC is a right triangle.

DE is parallel to BC and is the midsection of triangle ABC.

Given in cm:

BC = 5

AC = 13

Calculate the area of the trapezoid DECB.


Video Solution



Exercise #5

ABCD is an isosceles trapezoid.

AB = 5

DC = 7

DB = 9

Is it possible to apply the trapezoidal area formula, and if so, then what is the area of the trapezoid?  


Video Solution


It can be applied: 185 18\cdot\sqrt{5} cm²

Exercise #6

From the point O on the circle we take the radius to the point D on the circle. Given the lengths of the sides in cm:

DC=8 AE=3 OK=3 EK=6

EK is perpendicular to DC

Calculate the area between the circle and the trapezoid (the empty area).


Video Solution



Exercise #7

The trapezoid ABCD is drawn inside a circle.

The radius can be drawn from point O to point C.

DC = 12 cm
OK = 3 cm
NB = 4 cm
NK = 5 cm


Calculate the white area between the trapezoid and the circle's edge.

Video Solution



Exercise #8

ABC is a right triangle.

DE is parallel to BC and is the midsection of triangle ABC.

BC = 5 cm

AC = 13 cm

Calculate the area of the trapezoid DECB.


Video Solution

