Examples with solutions for Area of a Trapezoid: Finding Area based off Perimeter and Vice Versa

Exercise #1

Look at the trapezoid in the figure.

Its area is equal to 35 cm².

Calculate its perimeter.


Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We begin by inserting any given data into the formula to find the area of a trapezoid:

S=(AB+CD)×h2 S=\frac{(AB+CD)\times h}{2}

We identify AD as the height of the trapezoid

35=(6+8)×AD2 35=\frac{(6+8)\times AD}{2}

35=142AD 35=\frac{14}{2}AD

35=7AD 35=7AD

We then divide the two sections by 7:

5=AD 5=AD

Finally we calculate the perimeter by adding together all the sides as follows:

5+6+8+5.5=11+8+5.5=19+5.5=24.5 5+6+8+5.5=11+8+5.5=19+5.5=24.5


24.5 24.5 cm

Exercise #2

Shown below is the isosceles trapezoid ABCD.

Given in cm:
BC = 7  

Height of the trapezoid (h) = 5

Perimeter of the trapezoid (P) = 34

Calculate the area of the trapezoid.


Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Since ABCD is a trapezoid, one can determine that:


Thus the formula to find the area will be

SABCD=(AB+DC)×h2 S_{ABCD}=\frac{(AB+DC)\times h}{2}

Since we are given the perimeter of the trapezoid, we can findAB+DC AB+DC


34=14+AB+DC 34=14+AB+DC

3414=AB+DC 34-14=AB+DC

20=AB+DC 20=AB+DC

Now we will place the data we obtained into the formula in order to calculate the area of the trapezoid:

S=20×52=1002=50 S=\frac{20\times5}{2}=\frac{100}{2}=50



Exercise #3

Look at the trapezoid below:

S=102S=102S=102121212666888If the area of the trapezoid is 102, then what is its perimeter?

Video Solution

