Examples with solutions for Absolute value: Solving the Absolute value

Exercise #1

Determine the absolute value of the following number:

18= \left|18\right|=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

The "absolute value" can be viewed as the distance of a number from 0.
Therefore, the absolute value will not change the sign from negative to positive, it will always be positive.


18 18

Exercise #2

2= \left|-2\right|=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

When we have an exercise with these symbols || we understand that it refers to absolute value.

Absolute value does not relate to whether a number is positive or negative, but rather checks how far it is from zero.

In other words, 2 is 2 units away from zero, and -2 is also 2 units away from zero,

Therefore, absolute value essentially "zeroes out" the negativity of the number.


|-2| = 2



2 2

Exercise #3

0.8= \left|0.8\right|=

Video Solution


0.8 0.8

Exercise #4

3= \left|3\right|=

Video Solution


3 3

Exercise #5

1914= \left|-19\frac{1}{4}\right|=

Video Solution


1914 19\frac{1}{4}

Exercise #6

32= \left|3^2\right|=

Video Solution


9 9

Exercise #7

x= \left|x\right|=

Video Solution


x x