Rounding Numbers

🏆Practice rounding numbers up to 10,000

Rounding Numbers

When we are asked to round a number, we are actually asked to change it to the nearest whole and round number.

Rounding to tens

If the ones digit is 55 or higher, we round up to the nearest tens, to the closest larger round number.
If the ones digit is less than 55, we round down to the nearest tens to the closest smaller round number.

Rounding to hundreds

If the tens digit is 55 or higher, we round up to the nearest hundred.
If the tens digit is less than 55, we round down to the nearest hundred.

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\( 52\approx\text{ ?} \)

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Rounding Numbers

What is rounding numbers?

When we are asked to round a number, we are actually asked to change it to the closest whole and round number.

Rounding to tens

Observe the following round numbers 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,9010, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90...

How do we know how to round to tens?
We look at the ones digit in the number.
If the digit is 55 or greater - we round up, meaning to the nearest larger whole number.
If the digit is less than 55 - we round down, meaning to the nearest smaller whole number.

Let's look at an example:
Round the number 2323 to the nearest ten.

To round the number, we look at its ones digit.
The ones digit is 33, less than 55, so we round down.
The closest smaller whole number is 2020, so we round 2323 to 2020.
Note - rounding numbers is commonly denoted with a tilde symbol \sim
Meaning 232023\sim 20
Which indicates that 2323 was rounded to 2020.

Pay attention! When rounding to tens –
We look at the ones digit and round the number only at the tens level – meaning the change will be in the tens digit.

Another exercise:
Round the number 4646 to the nearest ten.

In order to round a number, we look at its ones digit. The ones digit here is 66, which is greater than 55, so we round up to the nearest whole round number, which is 5050.

Additional exercise:
Round the number 367367 to the nearest tens

In this exercise, you were asked to round to tens, which means you still work with the method you previously learned - looking at the ones digit and checking if it's less than or greater than 55.
The ones digit is 77, therefore we round the number up.
The rounding will only be at the tens level as requested, and the number 367367 will be rounded to 380380.

Another exercise:
Round the number 283283 to the nearest tens

Let's look at the ones digit 33. 33 is less than 55 so we round down at the tens level.
The rounded number will be 280280.

Another exercise:
Round the number 349349 to the nearest ten

Let's look at the ones digit 99. 99 is greater than 55 so we round up to the nearest ten.
The number 349349 rounds to 350350.

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Rounding to hundreds

When we are asked to round to hundreds, we are actually asked to round to the nearest whole round number according to the rules.
Round numbers in hundreds are: 100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 , 700, 800, 900...
When we want to round to hundreds, we look at the tens digit in the number.
If the tens digit is 55 or greater than 55 - we round up at the hundreds level.
If the tens digit is less than 55 - we round down at the hundreds level.

Pay attention! When rounding to hundreds -
We look at the hundreds digit and round the number only at the hundreds level - meaning the change will be in the hundreds digit.

Let's look at an example:
Round the number 347347 to the nearest hundred

We were asked to round the number to hundreds, so we'll look at the tens digit.
The tens digit is 44, less than 55, so we'll round the number down to the nearest whole round number.
347347 will be rounded to 300300.
Note! If we were asked to round the number 347347 to tens, we would have needed to look at the ones digit and round accordingly.
347347 rounded to tens is 350350.
Therefore, it's very important to pay attention whether we were asked to round to tens or hundreds.

Another exercise:
Round the number 281281 to the nearest hundred

We were asked to round to hundreds, so we'll look at the tens digit. The tens digit is 8, therefore we'll round up at the hundreds level.
The number 281281 will be rounded to 300300.

Do you know what the answer is?
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