Calculate 2 over 50 as a percentage:
To solve the problem of converting 502 to a percentage, we will follow these steps:
- Step 1: Identify the 'part' and the 'whole' from the given fraction. Here, the 'part' is 2, and the 'whole' is 50.
- Step 2: Apply the formula to convert the fraction to a percentage: WholePart×100%.
- Step 3: Perform the calculation by substituting the given values into the formula.
Now, let's work through each step:
Step 1: From the fraction 502, we identify 2 as the 'part' and 50 as the 'whole'.
Step 2: We'll use the formula WholePart×100% to find the percentage:
Step 3: Substituting the values into the formula, we have:
Therefore, the fraction 2 over 50 as a percentage is 4%.