Calculate First Five Terms: Sequence Formula an=3n+1


In the following series an

Given the series, y represents some term of the series

n represents the position of the term in the series

What are the first five members of the series?

an=3n+1 a_n=3n+1

Video Solution

Solution Steps

00:00 Find the first five terms in the sequence
00:04 We'll place the appropriate term's position in the formula and solve
00:13 Always solve multiplication and division before addition and subtraction
00:16 This is the first term in the sequence
00:20 We'll use the same method to find the rest of the terms
00:29 This is the second term in the sequence
00:43 This is the third term in the sequence
01:00 This is the fourth term in the sequence
01:11 And this is the solution to the question

Step-by-Step Solution

In order to determine the first five terms in the sequence simply insert their positions into the given formula as shown below:

an=3n+1 a_n=3n+1

We want to calculate the values of the terms:

a1,a2,a3,a4,a5 a_1,\hspace{4pt}a_2,\hspace{4pt}a_3,\hspace{4pt}a_4,\hspace{4pt}a_5

Let's start with the first term in the sequence,

an=3n+1 a_n=3n+1

We need to insert the position of whichever term that we want to find.

In this case we want to find the first term so we'll substitute as shown below:

n=1 n=1

Proceed to calculate:

an=3n+1n=1a1=31+1=4 a_{\underline{n}}= 3\underline{n}+1 \\ n=\underline{1}\\ \downarrow\\ a_{\underline{1}}=3\cdot\underline{1}+1=4

When we substituted the position in question in the place of n : the substitution is shown with an underline (as shown above),

Repeat this exact action for all the requested terms in the sequence, meaning for the second through fifth terms:

a2=32+1=7a3=33+1=10a4=34+1=13a5=35+1=16 a_{\underline{2}}=3\cdot\underline{2}+1=7 \\ a_{\underline{3}}=3\cdot\underline{3}+1=10 \\ a_{\underline{4}}=3\cdot\underline{4}+1=13 \\ a_{\underline{5}}=3\cdot\underline{5}+1=16 \\ For the second term a2 a_2 we substituted:n=2 n=2 in to the formula:

an=3n+1 a_n=3n+1

For the third term a3 a_3 we again substituted:n=3 n=3 and so on for the rest of the requested terms,

To summarize, we determined that the first five terms:

a1,a2,a3,a4,a5 a_1,\hspace{4pt}a_2,\hspace{4pt}a_3,\hspace{4pt}a_4,\hspace{4pt}a_5

in the given sequence, are:

4,7,10,13,16 4,\hspace{4pt}7,\hspace{4pt}10,\hspace{4pt}13,\hspace{4pt}16

Therefore, the correct answer is answer A.


4,7,10,13,16 4,7,10,13,16