Calculate 20% Discount: Finding New Price of $40 Item


A toy costing $40 is reduced by 20%

What is the new price following the discount?

Video Solution

Solution Steps

00:00 Find the final price
00:06 Convert percentages to fractions
00:20 Break down 100 into factors 20 and 5
00:26 Reduce what we can
00:29 Find that 20 percent is actually one-fifth
00:33 Multiply one-fifth by the original price to find the discount
00:40 Break down 40 into factors 8 and 5
00:47 Reduce what we can
00:57 This is the discount, now subtract it from the original price
01:03 And this is the solution to the problem

Step-by-Step Solution

408=32 40-8=32

In order to determine percentages, we must make use of the two pieces of information in our possession: the total amount (40)andthediscount(2040) and the discount (20%).</p><p>This information can be inserted into the following formula:</p><p><span class="katex">\( \frac{Price\times\text{Percentage}}{100} Which allows us to find the percentage of something.

We insert the given information:

40×20100= 40\times\frac{20}{100}=
800100= \frac{800}{100}=

8 8

We then discover that the value of the discount is 8.

But we are not finished yet!

We need to subtract the discount from the original amount in order to determine the sale price:
\( 40-8=32
