Fractions on a Number Line: Identify Numbers on a Number Line

Examples with solutions for Fractions on a Number Line: Identify Numbers on a Number Line

Exercise #1

What numbers appear on the number line?


Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's count how many points, including the number 1, are on the number line.

Since there are 7 in total, we'll define the 0 point as the fraction:

07 \frac{0}{7}

And we'll define 1 as the fraction:

77 \frac{7}{7}

Now let's fill in each point on the continuum and discover which numbers represent the question marks:


27,57 \frac{2}{7},\frac{5}{7}

Exercise #2

What number appears on the number line?


Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's count how many points, including the number 1, are on the number line.

Since there are 6 in total, we will define the 0 point as the fraction:

06 \frac{0}{6}

And we will define 1 as the fraction:

66 \frac{6}{6}

Now let's fill in each point on the sequence and discover which numbers represent the question marks:


46 \frac{4}{6}

Exercise #3

What number is marked on the number axis?


Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's count how many points, including the number 1, are on the number line.

Since there are 4 in total, we'll define the 0 point as the fraction:

04 \frac{0}{4}

And we'll define 1 as the fraction:

44 \frac{4}{4}

Now let's fill in each point on the continuum and discover which numbers represent the question marks:


34 \frac{3}{4}

Exercise #4

What number is marked on the number axis?


Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's count how many points, including the number 1, are on the number line.

Since there are 4 in total, we'll define the 0 point as the fraction:

04 \frac{0}{4}

And we'll define 1 as the fraction:

44 \frac{4}{4}

Now let's fill in each point on the continuum and discover which numbers represent the question marks:


14 \frac{1}{4}

Exercise #5

What number is marked on the number axis?


Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's count how many points, including the number 1, are on the number line.

Since there are 11 in total, we'll define the 0 point as the fraction:

011 \frac{0}{11}

And we'll define 1 as the fraction:

1111 \frac{11}{11}

Now let's fill in each point on the sequence and discover which numbers represent the question marks:


1011 \frac{10}{11}

Exercise #6

What number is marked on the number axis?


Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's count how many points, including the number 1, are on the number line.

Since there are 3 in total, we'll define the 0 point as the fraction:

03 \frac{0}{3}

And we'll define 1 as the fraction:

33 \frac{3}{3}

Now let's fill in each point on the continuum and discover which numbers represent the question marks:


23 \frac{2}{3}

Exercise #7

What number is marked on the number axis?


Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's count how many points, including the number 1, are on the number line.

Since there are 5 in total, we'll define the 0 point as the fraction:

05 \frac{0}{5}

And we'll define 1 as the fraction:

55 \frac{5}{5}

Now let's fill in each point on the continuum and discover which numbers represent the question marks:


45 \frac{4}{5}

Exercise #8

What number is marked on the number axis?


Step-by-Step Solution

Let's count how many points including the number 1 are on the number line.

Since there are 6 in total, we will define the point 1 as the fraction:

66 \frac{6}{6}


66=11=1 \frac{6}{6}=\frac{1}{1}=1

The number marked on the number line is 1


1 1

Exercise #9

What number is marked on the number axis?


Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's count how many points, including the number 1, are on the number line.

Since there are 6 in total, we'll define the 0 point as the fraction:

06 \frac{0}{6}

And we'll define 1 as the fraction:

66 \frac{6}{6}

Now let's fill in each point on the continuum and discover which numbers represent the question marks:


46 \frac{4}{6}

Exercise #10

What number is marked on the number axis?


Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's count how many points, including the number 1, are on the number line.

Since there are 6 in total, we'll define the 0 point as the fraction:

06 \frac{0}{6}

And we'll define 1 as the fraction:

66 \frac{6}{6}

Now let's fill in each point on the sequence and discover which numbers represent the question marks:


26 \frac{2}{6}