At which points does the following function intersect the Y axis?
At which points does the following function intersect the Y axis?
\( y-5x^2=20 \)
At which points does the function \( x^2+y=3 \)
intersect the y axis?
At which points does the function\( y=2x^2+10 \)
intersect the y axis?
Determine the points of intersection of the function
\( y=x^2-49 \)
With the X
Determine the points of intersection of the function
\( y=x^2+4 \)
With the X
At which points does the following function intersect the Y axis?
At which points does the function
intersect the y axis?
At which points does the function
intersect the y axis?
Determine the points of intersection of the function
With the X
Determine the points of intersection of the function
With the X
No solution
At which points does the fuction\( y+10=3x^2 \) intersect the y axis?
Determine the points of intersection of the function
\( 9-y=4x^2 \)
With the X
At which points does the function\( x^2+3-y=0 \) intersect the y axis?
Determine the points of intersection of the function
\( y=16-x^2 \)
With the X
Determine the points of intersection of the function
\( y=-27+3x^2 \)
With the X
At which points does the fuction intersect the y axis?
Determine the points of intersection of the function
With the X
At which points does the function intersect the y axis?
Determine the points of intersection of the function
With the X
Determine the points of intersection of the function
With the X
Answers and are correct