A number that is divisible by without a remainder. Its ones digit is or or or or ,
Examples of even numbers: , ,
A number that is divisible by without a remainder. Its ones digit is or or or or ,
Examples of even numbers: , ,
A number that is divided by with a remainder. Its ones digit is different from or or or or ,
Examples of odd numbers: , ,
An even number is a number that is divisible by without a remainder.
To better understand this definition, think of an even number as a number that can be divided into pairs or into equal groups.
For example - If I have children, I can divide the number 4 into equal groups.
Group will have children and the second group will also have two children.
Let's practice -
Is the number an even number?
Let's ask ourselves - can we divide players into equal teams?
The answer is yes, if we divide the players into teams, each team will have 5 players.
So as we said, an even number is a number that is divisible by without a remainder.
Remainder is the leftover part that doesn't allow me to divide into equal groups.
For example - if there are players, I cannot divide them into groups without having a remainder.
In the first group there will be , in the second group there will be , and then I'm left with one player who cannot be divided, and this is called a remainder.
Luckily, there's a really cool trick that helps us determine if a number is even or odd.
We won't need to check each time if it can be divided into equal groups, instead we'll establish -
If the ones digit of the number is or or or or - the number is even!
If not, the number is odd.
Reminder - The ones digit is the last digit of the number. When there is only one digit in a number, it is its ones digit.
Now let's practice!
Write 2 even numbers between and :
For a number to be even, its ones digit must be either or or or or
Therefore, we can write the numbers and as even numbers between and .
Another exercise:
Is the number 24878 even?
Don't stress about the number being long. Just looking at the last digit is enough to determine that the number is indeed even.
Tip - How can we remember that specifically the digits ,,,, indicate an even number?
Notice that the definition of an even number is a number that is divisible by without a remainder and that its characteristic digits increase by steps of .
And what about the number ? is an even number of course!
An odd number is the opposite of an even number. That means,
a number that is divisible by with a remainder.
To better understand this definition, think of an odd number as a number that cannot be divided into pairs or equal groups.
For example - if I have children, I cannot divide the number into equal groups.
Group will have children and the second group will have children.
If I divide into groups with children each, I will have one child left alone - which is called a remainder.
Let's practice-
Is the number an even number?
Let's ask ourselves - can we divide players into equal teams?
The answer is no, team will have players and the second team will have player.
At the beginning of the article, we learned that any number ending with a ones digit that is or or or or is even, and therefore any number that ends with a different digit or is itself a different digit is an odd number!
And now let's practice!
Write odd numbers between and :
For a number to be odd, its ones digit must be different from or or or or
Therefore, we can write the numbers and as odd numbers between and .
Another exercise:
Is the number odd?
The ones digit of the number is and therefore it is odd.