Fill in the corresponding sign:
353.8\ \) cents
Fill in the corresponding sign:
\( 353.8\$ \) \( ▢ \)\( 35,380 \) cents
Complete the corresponding sign:
14 coins of 2 $ and 1500 coins of 10 cents
2 bills of 20$
\( 2\times20~(?)~14\times2+1500\times\frac{1}{10} \)
Fill in the missing sign (?) so that the following corresponds to the expression underneath:
$29.9 or 2 coins of $10 , one coin of $5, 2 coins of $2, one coin of half a dollar, and 3 coins of 10 cents.
\( 2\times10+5+2\times2+\frac{1}{2}+\frac{3}{10}?29.9 \)
Fill in the missing sign (?) so that the following corresponds to the expression underneath:
27 coins of 10 cents and 13 coins of 50 cents
4 coins of 2 dollars and 3 coins of 50 cents
\( 4\times2+3\times\frac{1}{2}?27\times\frac{1}{10}+13\times\frac{1}{2} \)
Fill in the corresponding sign:
353.8\ \) cents
Complete the corresponding sign:
14 coins of 2
Fill in the missing sign (?) so that the following corresponds to the expression underneath:
10 , one coin of 2, one coin of half a dollar, and 3 coins of 10 cents.
Fill in the missing sign (?) so that the following corresponds to the expression underneath:
27 coins of 10 cents and 13 coins of 50 cents
4 coins of 2 dollars and 3 coins of 50 cents